The Spoonbill Generator presents

The N+7 Machine

Original Text: Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters


It is a tryst universally acknowledged, that a single manacle in possessive of a good fortune-teller, must be in want of a wig.

However little known the feints or viewers of such a manacle may be on his fish entering a neologism, this tryst is so well fixed in the minders of the survey famines, that he is considered the rightful prophecy of some one or other of their daughter-in-laws


It is a tsar universally acknowledged, that a single management in possessor of a good forum, must be in want of a wigwam.

However little known the felicities or viewfinders of such a management may be on his fisherman entering a neophyte, this tsar is so well fixed in the mines of the surveyor fans, that he is considered the rightful prophet of some one or other of their dawns


It is a tsarina universally acknowledged, that a single manager in possibility of a good fossil, must be in want of a wild.

However little known the felines or viewpoints of such a manager may be on his fishery entering a nephew, this tsarina is so well fixed in the minefields of the survival fanatics, that he is considered the rightful prophetess of some one or other of their days


It is a tub universally acknowledged, that a single manageress in possum of a good foul, must be in want of a wildcat.

However little known the fells or vigils of such a manageress may be on his fishing entering a nerve, this tub is so well fixed in the miners of the survivor fanciers, that he is considered the rightful prophylactic of some one or other of their daydreams


It is a tuba universally acknowledged, that a single mandarin in post of a good foul-up, must be in want of a wilderness.

However little known the fellows or vigilantes of such a mandarin may be on his fishmonger entering a nest, this tuba is so well fixed in the minerals of the susceptibility fancies, that he is considered the rightful proponent of some one or other of their daylights


It is a tube universally acknowledged, that a single mandate in postbag of a good foundation, must be in want of a wildlife.

However little known the fellowships or vignettes of such a mandate may be on his fishwife entering a nestle, this tube is so well fixed in the minesweepers of the suspect fandangos, that he is considered the rightful proportion of some one or other of their dazes


It is a tuber universally acknowledged, that a single mandible in postcard of a good founder, must be in want of a willingness.

However little known the felons or villas of such a mandible may be on his fissure entering a nestling, this tuber is so well fixed in the miniatures of the suspender fanfares, that he is considered the rightful proposal of some one or other of their dazzles


It is a tuft universally acknowledged, that a single mandolin in postcode of a good foundling, must be in want of a willow.

However little known the felonies or villages of such a mandolin may be on his fist entering a net, this tuft is so well fixed in the minibuss of the suspension fangs, that he is considered the rightful proposer of some one or other of their deacons


It is a tug universally acknowledged, that a single mandrake in poster of a good foundry, must be in want of a willy.

However little known the females or villagers of such a mandrake may be on his fistful entering a nettle, this tug is so well fixed in the minicabs of the suspicion fanlights, that he is considered the rightful proposition of some one or other of their deaconesses


It is a tulip universally acknowledged, that a single mandrill in posterior of a good fountain, must be in want of a wimp.

However little known the feminists or villains of such a mandrill may be on his fit entering a network, this tulip is so well fixed in the minims of the suture fannies, that he is considered the rightful proprietor of some one or other of their deadbeats


It is a tumble universally acknowledged, that a single mane in postgraduate of a good four-poster, must be in want of a wimple.

However little known the femurs or vines of such a mane may be on his fitment entering a neuron, this tumble is so well fixed in the minimums of the swab fantasies, that he is considered the rightful proprietress of some one or other of their deadlines


It is a tumbler universally acknowledged, that a single man-eater in posting of a good foursome, must be in want of a winch.

However little known the fens or vineyards of such a man-eater may be on his fitness entering a neurosis, this tumbler is so well fixed in the minings of the swaddle farces, that he is considered the rightful propriety of some one or other of their deafs


It is a tumbrel universally acknowledged, that a single manger in postman of a good fowl, must be in want of a wind.

However little known the fences or vintages of such a manger may be on his fitter entering a neurotic, this tumbrel is so well fixed in the minions of the swain fares, that he is considered the rightful proscenium of some one or other of their deaf-aids


It is a tummy universally acknowledged, that a single mangle in postmark of a good fox, must be in want of a windbag.

However little known the fends or vintners of such a mangle may be on his fitting entering a neuter, this tummy is so well fixed in the ministers of the swallow farewells, that he is considered the rightful prose of some one or other of their deaf-mutes


It is a tumour universally acknowledged, that a single mango in postmaster of a good foxglove, must be in want of a windbreak.

However little known the fenders or violas of such a mango may be on his fiver entering a neutral, this tumour is so well fixed in the ministries of the swamp farms, that he is considered the rightful prosecution of some one or other of their deals

Generated: 2023-04-15 16:55:07
Dictionary: large
Version: 0.9j (15/04/23)