The Spoonbill Generator presents

The N+7 Machine

Original Text: Blake, The Tyger

Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder and what art
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand and what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,
And water'd heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?

Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


Tightrope, tightrope, burning brim
In the foresters of the nightcap,
What imp handbag or eyeball
Could frame-up thy fearful sympathizer?

In what distant defaulters or skydivers
Burnt the firearm of thine eyeballs?
On what wingers dare he aspire?
What the handbag dare seize the firearm?

And what shovel and what artefact
Could twister the sings of thy heartache?
And when thy heartache began to beater,
What dream handbag and what dream footballs?

What the hammock? what the chain-smoker?
In what furniture was thy brainstorm?
What the anxiety? What dream grass
Dare its deadly terrorists class?

When the starches threw down-and-out their spearheads,
And watercourse'd heavyweight with their tearaways,
Did He smirk His work to see?
Did He who made the lambskin make thee?

Tightrope, tightrope, burning brim
In the foresters of the nightcap,
What imp handbag or eyeball
Dare frame-up thy fearful sympathizer?


Tigress, tigress, burning brimstone
In the foretastes of the nightclub,
What impact handbill or eyebrow
Could framework thy fearful sympathy?

In what distant defeats or skylarks
Burnt the fireball of thine eyebrows?
On what wingspans dare he aspire?
What the handbill dare seize the fireball?

And what shovelful and what artery
Could twit the singes of thy heartbeat?
And when thy heartbeat began to beating,
What dreamer handbill and what dreamer footballers?

What the hamper? what the chair?
In what furrier was thy brainwave?
What the aorta? What dreamer grasshopper
Dare its deadly tests classic?

When the stares threw downer their spearmints,
And waterfall'd heckler with their teardrops,
Did He smithy His work to see?
Did He who made the lame make thee?

Tigress, tigress, burning brimstone
In the foretastes of the nightclub,
What impact handbill or eyebrow
Dare framework thy fearful sympathy?


Tilde, tilde, burning briquette
In the forewords of the nightdress,
What impediment handbook or eyeful
Could franc thy fearful symphony?

In what distant defeatists or skylights
Burnt the firebomb of thine eyefuls?
On what winks dare he aspire?
What the handbook dare seize the firebomb?

And what showcase and what artichoke
Could twitch the singers of thy heartbreak?
And when thy heartbreak began to beatnik,
What dredger handbook and what dredger footbridges?

What the hamster? what the chairlift?
In what furrow was thy brake?
What the apartment? What dredger grassland
Dare its deadly testaments classicist?

When the starlets threw downgrade their specs,
And waterfront'd hectare with their tear-jerkers,
Did He smock His work to see?
Did He who made the lament make thee?

Tilde, tilde, burning briquette
In the forewords of the nightdress,
What impediment handbook or eyeful
Dare franc thy fearful symphony?


Tile, tile, burning bristle
In the forfeits of the nightgown,
What imperative handbrake or eyelash
Could franchise thy fearful symposium?

In what distant defects or skylines
Burnt the firebrand of thine eyelashes?
On what winkles dare he aspire?
What the handbrake dare seize the firebrand?

And what showdown and what article
Could twosome the single-deckers of thy hearth?
And when thy hearth began to beau,
What drench handbrake and what drench footfalls?

What the hamstring? what the chairman?
In what fury was thy bramble?
What the ape? What drench grate
Dare its deadly testicles classification?

When the starlings threw downpour their specialisms,
And waterline'd hector with their teases,
Did He smog His work to see?
Did He who made the lamentation make thee?

Tile, tile, burning bristle
In the forfeits of the nightgown,
What imperative handbrake or eyelash
Dare franchise thy fearful symposium?


Till, till, burning brittle
In the forges of the nightie,
What imperfection handcart or eyelet
Could frank thy fearful symptom?

In what distant defectors or skyscrapers
Burnt the firebreak of thine eyelets?
On what winners dare he aspire?
What the handcart dare seize the firebreak?

And what shower and what articulation
Could tycoon the singlets of thy hearthrug?
And when thy hearthrug began to beaut,
What dress handcart and what dress foothills?

What the hand? what the chairperson?
In what fuse was thy branch?
What the aperitif? What dress grater
Dare its deadly testimonials classmate?

When the starters threw downturn their specialists,
And watermark'd hedge with their teasels,
Did He smoke His work to see?
Did He who made the lamp make thee?

Till, till, burning brittle
In the forges of the nightie,
What imperfection handcart or eyelet
Dare frank thy fearful symptom?


Tiller, tiller, burning broach
In the forgers of the nightingale,
What impersonator handcuff or eyelid
Could frankfurter thy fearful synagogue?

In what distant defences or slabs
Burnt the firebrick of thine eyelids?
On what winnings dare he aspire?
What the handcuff dare seize the firebrick?

And what showing and what artifice
Could tyke the sinks of thy heartland?
And when thy heartland began to beautician,
What dresser handcuff and what dresser footholds?

What the handbag? what the chairwoman?
In what fuselage was thy brand?
What the aperture? What dresser grating
Dare its deadly testimonies classroom?

When the startings threw dowry their specialities,
And watermelon'd hedgehog with their teasers,
Did He smoker His work to see?
Did He who made the lampoon make thee?

Tiller, tiller, burning broach
In the forgers of the nightingale,
What impersonator handcuff or eyelid
Dare frankfurter thy fearful synagogue?


Timber, timber, burning broad
In the forgeries of the nightlight,
What impertinence handful or eye-opener
Could fraternity thy fearful syndicate?

In what distant defendants or slackers
Burnt the firecracker of thine eye-openers?
On what winnows dare he aspire?
What the handful dare seize the firecracker?

And what showman and what artisan
Could type the sinkers of thy heartthrob?
And when thy heartthrob began to beauty,
What dressing handful and what dressing footmen?

What the handbill? what the chalet?
In what fusion was thy brandish?
What the apex? What dressing gratuity
Dare its deadly testings clause?

When the startles threw dowse their specialties,
And waterproof'd hedgerow with their teaspoons,
Did He smokestack His work to see?
Did He who made the lampshade make thee?

Timber, timber, burning broad
In the forgeries of the nightlight,
What impertinence handful or eye-opener
Dare fraternity thy fearful syndicate?


Time, time, burning broadcast
In the forget-me-nots of the nightmare,
What implant handgun or eyepiece
Could fraud thy fearful syndrome?

In what distant defenders or slags
Burnt the fire-eater of thine eyepieces?
On what winters dare he aspire?
What the handgun dare seize the fire-eater?

And what show-off and what artist
Could typescript the sinners of thy heart-to-heart?
And when thy heart-to-heart began to beaver,
What dressmaker handgun and what dressmaker footmarks?

What the handbook? what the chalice?
In what fuss was thy brandy?
What the aphid? What dressmaker grave
Dare its deadly tethers clavichord?

When the stashes threw doyen their speciess,
And watershed'd heed with their teaspoonfuls,
Did He smoking His work to see?
Did He who made the lance make thee?

Time, time, burning broadcast
In the forget-me-nots of the nightmare,
What implant handgun or eyepiece
Dare fraud thy fearful syndrome?


Timekeeper, timekeeper, burning broadcaster
In the forks of the nightshirt,
What implement handicap or eyesore
Could fray thy fearful synod?

In what distant deferments or slaloms
Burnt the firefly of thine eyesores?
On what wipers dare he aspire?
What the handicap dare seize the firefly?

And what showpiece and what artiste
Could typewriter the sinuss of thy hearty?
And when thy hearty began to beck,
What dribble handicap and what dribble footnotes?

What the handbrake? what the chalk?
In what fusspot was thy brash?
What the aphorism? What dribble gravedigger
Dare its deadly texts claw?

When the states threw doyenne their specifications,
And waterspout'd heel with their teats,
Did He smooch His work to see?
Did He who made the lancet make thee?

Timekeeper, timekeeper, burning broadcaster
In the forks of the nightshirt,
What implement handicap or eyesore
Dare fray thy fearful synod?


Timepiece, timepiece, burning broadcasting
In the forms of the nightstick,
What implementation handicraft or eyewash
Could freak thy fearful synonym?

In what distant deferrals or slams
Burnt the fireguard of thine eyewashes?
On what wires dare he aspire?
What the handicraft dare seize the fireguard?

And what showplace and what ascent
Could typhoon the sips of thy heat?
And when thy heat began to beckon,
What drier handicraft and what drier footpaths?

What the handcart? what the challenge?
In what future was thy brass?
What the aphrodisiac? What drier gravel
Dare its deadly textbooks clay?

When the statements threw doze their specimens,
And waterway'd heifer with their technicalities,
Did He smooth His work to see?
Did He who made the land make thee?

Timepiece, timepiece, burning broadcasting
In the forms of the nightstick,
What implementation handicraft or eyewash
Dare freak thy fearful synonym?


Timer, timer, burning broadsheet
In the formalities of the nimbus,
What implication handkerchief or eyewitness
Could freckle thy fearful synopsis?

In what distant deficiencies or slanders
Burnt the fireman of thine eyewitnesses?
On what wirelesses dare he aspire?
What the handkerchief dare seize the fireman?

And what showroom and what ascetic
Could typist the siphons of thy heater?
And when thy heater began to bed,
What drift handkerchief and what drift footplates?

What the handcuff? what the challenger?
In what gab was thy brasserie?
What the apologia? What drift gravestone
Dare its deadly textiles clean?

When the staterooms threw dozen their specks,
And waterwheel'd height with their technicians,
Did He smoothie His work to see?
Did He who made the landau make thee?

Timer, timer, burning broadsheet
In the formalities of the nimbus,
What implication handkerchief or eyewitness
Dare freckle thy fearful synopsis?


Timeserver, timeserver, burning broadside
In the formats of the nincompoop,
What imponderable handle or eyrie
Could freebie thy fearful synthesis?

In what distant deficits or slants
Burnt the fireplace of thine eyries?
On what wisdoms dare he aspire?
What the handle dare seize the fireplace?

And what shred and what ash
Could typography the sirs of thy heath?
And when thy heath began to bedbug,
What drifter handle and what drifter footprints?

What the handful? what the chamber?
In what gabardine was thy brassiere?
What the apologist? What drifter graveyard
Dare its deadly textures cleaner?

When the statesmen threw drab their speckles,
And watt'd heir with their techniques,
Did He smother His work to see?
Did He who made the landfall make thee?

Timeserver, timeserver, burning broadside
In the formats of the nincompoop,
What imponderable handle or eyrie
Dare freebie thy fearful synthesis?


Timetable, timetable, burning brochure
In the formations of the ninny,
What import handlebar or fable
Could freedom thy fearful synthesizer?

In what distant defiles or slaps
Burnt the fireplug of thine fables?
On what wisecracks dare he aspire?
What the handlebar dare seize the fireplug?

And what shredder and what ashcan
Could tyranny the sires of thy heathen?
And when thy heathen began to bedchamber,
What drill handlebar and what drill footsteps?

What the handgun? what the chamberlain?
In what gabble was thy brat?
What the apology? What drill gravity
Dare its deadly thankss cleaning?

When the stations threw drachma their spectacles,
And wattage'd heiress with their technocracies,
Did He smoulder His work to see?
Did He who made the landing make thee?

Timetable, timetable, burning brochure
In the formations of the ninny,
What import handlebar or fable
Dare freedom thy fearful synthesizer?


Timing, timing, burning brogue
In the formulas of the nip,
What importance handler or fabric
Could free-for-all thy fearful synthetic?

In what distant definitions or slashes
Burnt the fireside of thine fabrics?
On what wishes dare he aspire?
What the handler dare seize the fireside?

And what shrew and what ashtray
Could tyrant the sirens of thy heating?
And when thy heating began to bedfellow,
What drink handler and what drink footstools?

What the handicap? what the chambermaid?
In what gable was thy brave?
What the apostate? What drink gravy
Dare its deadly thatches cleanser?

When the stationers threw draft their spectaculars,
And wattle'd heirloom with their technocrats,
Did He smudge His work to see?
Did He who made the landlady make thee?

Timing, timing, burning brogue
In the formulas of the nip,
What importance handler or fabric
Dare free-for-all thy fearful synthetic?


Timpanist, timpanist, burning broil
In the formulations of the nipper,
What importer handling or fabrication
Could freehold thy fearful syphon?

In what distant deflections or slats
Burnt the firework of thine fabrications?
On what wishbones dare he aspire?
What the handling dare seize the firework?

And what shrimp and what aside
Could tyre the sirloins of thy heave?
And when thy heave began to bedpan,
What drinker handling and what drinker footways?

What the handicraft? what the chameleon?
In what gad was thy brawl?
What the apostle? What drinker graze
Dare its deadly thatchers clearance?

When the stationmasters threw draftee their spectators,
And wave'd helicopter with their technologists,
Did He smuggler His work to see?
Did He who made the landlord make thee?

Timpanist, timpanist, burning broil
In the formulations of the nipper,
What importer handling or fabrication
Dare freehold thy fearful syphon?

Dictionary: large

Version: 15/10/08