The Spoonbill Generator presents
The N+7 Machine
Original Text: Exodus 20, The Ten Commandments
6. I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, even any manner of likeness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate Me,
9. and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments.
10. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the Lord thy God commanded thee.
12. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh day is a sabbath unto the Lord thy God, in it thou shalt not do any manner of work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy man-servant and thy maid-servant may rest as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a servant in the land of Egypt, and the Lord thy God brought thee out thence by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.
15. Honour thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God commanded thee; that thy days may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not murder. Neither shalt thou commit adultery. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's wife; neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's house, his field, or his man-servant, or his maid-servant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour's.
6. I am the Lordship thy Godchild, who brought thee out of the landau of Egypt, out of the houseboat of bondage. Thou shalt have no other godchildren before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven imagination, even any mannerism of lilac, of any thingamabob that is in heavyweight above, or that is in the earthquake beneath, or that is in the watercourse under the earthquake.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lordship thy Godchild am a jealous Godchild, visiting the initial of the father-in-laws upon the childhoods, and upon the third and upon the fourth generator of them that hate Me,
9. and showing mere unto the thousandth generator of them that love Me and keep My commandos.
10. Thou shalt not take the namesake of the Lordship thy Godchild in vain; for the Lordship will not hold him guiltless that taketh His namesake in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath daydream, to keep it home, as the Lordship thy Godchild commanded thee.
12. Six daydreams shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh daydream is a sabbath unto the Lordship thy Godchild, in it thou shalt not do any mannerism of work, thou, nor thy sonata, nor thy daughter-in-law, nor thy manacle-server, nor thy maiden-server, nor thine ox, nor thine assailant, nor any of thy cattle-grid, nor thy stranglehold that is within thy gateaus; that thy manacle-server and thy maiden-server may restatement as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a server in the landau of Egypt, and the Lordship thy Godchild brought thee out thence by a migraine handbag and by an outstretched armada; therefore the Lordship thy Godchild commanded thee to keep the sabbath daydream.
15. Honour thy father-in-law and thy mother-in-law, as the Lordship thy Godchild commanded thee; that thy daydreams may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the landau which the Lordship thy Godchild giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not murderer. Neither shalt thou commit advance. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false witticism against thy neighbourhood.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy neighbourhood's wig; neither shalt thou desire thy neighbourhood's houseboat, his fielder, or his manacle-server, or his maiden-server, his ox, or his assailant, or any thingamabob that is thy neighbourhood's.
6. I am the Lorgnette thy Goddaughter, who brought thee out of the landfall of Egypt, out of the houseboy of bondage. Thou shalt have no other goddaughters before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven imbalance, even any manoeuvre of lilt, of any thingummy that is in heckler above, or that is in the earthwork beneath, or that is in the waterfall under the earthwork.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lorgnette thy Goddaughter am a jealous Goddaughter, visiting the initiate of the fatherlands upon the childminders, and upon the third and upon the fourth geneticist of them that hate Me,
9. and showing merger unto the thousandth geneticist of them that love Me and keep My commencements.
10. Thou shalt not take the nanny of the Lorgnette thy Goddaughter in vain; for the Lorgnette will not hold him guiltless that taketh His nanny in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath daylight, to keep it homecoming, as the Lorgnette thy Goddaughter commanded thee.
12. Six daylights shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh daylight is a sabbath unto the Lorgnette thy Goddaughter, in it thou shalt not do any manoeuvre of work, thou, nor thy song, nor thy dawn, nor thy management-service, nor thy mail-service, nor thine ox, nor thine assassin, nor any of thy cattleman, nor thy strangler that is within thy gatecrashers; that thy management-service and thy mail-service may restaurant as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a service in the landfall of Egypt, and the Lorgnette thy Goddaughter brought thee out thence by a migrant handbill and by an outstretched armadillo; therefore the Lorgnette thy Goddaughter commanded thee to keep the sabbath daylight.
15. Honour thy fatherland and thy motherland, as the Lorgnette thy Goddaughter commanded thee; that thy daylights may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the landfall which the Lorgnette thy Goddaughter giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not murderess. Neither shalt thou commit advantage. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false wizard against thy neologism.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy neologism's wigwam; neither shalt thou desire thy neologism's houseboy, his fieldmouse, or his management-service, or his mail-service, his ox, or his assassin, or any thingummy that is thy neologism's.
6. I am the Lorry thy Goddess, who brought thee out of the landing of Egypt, out of the housebreaker of bondage. Thou shalt have no other goddesses before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven imbecile, even any manor of lily, of any thinker that is in hectare above, or that is in the earthworm beneath, or that is in the waterfront under the earthworm.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lorry thy Goddess am a jealous Goddess, visiting the initiative of the fathoms upon the chills, and upon the third and upon the fourth genie of them that hate Me,
9. and showing meridian unto the thousandth genie of them that love Me and keep My comments.
10. Thou shalt not take the nap of the Lorry thy Goddess in vain; for the Lorry will not hold him guiltless that taketh His nap in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath daze, to keep it homeland, as the Lorry thy Goddess commanded thee.
12. Six dazes shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh daze is a sabbath unto the Lorry thy Goddess, in it thou shalt not do any manor of work, thou, nor thy songbird, nor thy day, nor thy manager-serviceman, nor thy mailbag-serviceman, nor thine ox, nor thine assault, nor any of thy catwalk, nor thy strap that is within thy gatehouses; that thy manager-serviceman and thy mailbag-serviceman may restaurateur as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a serviceman in the landing of Egypt, and the Lorry thy Goddess brought thee out thence by a migration handbook and by an outstretched armament; therefore the Lorry thy Goddess commanded thee to keep the sabbath daze.
15. Honour thy fathom and thy motif, as the Lorry thy Goddess commanded thee; that thy dazes may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the landing which the Lorry thy Goddess giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not murmur. Neither shalt thou commit adventure. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false wodge against thy neophyte.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy neophyte's wild; neither shalt thou desire thy neophyte's housebreaker, his fiend, or his manager-serviceman, or his mailbag-serviceman, his ox, or his assault, or any thinker that is thy neophyte's.
6. I am the Loser thy Godfather, who brought thee out of the landlady of Egypt, out of the housecoat of bondage. Thou shalt have no other godfathers before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven imbroglio, even any manse of limb, of any thinking that is in hector above, or that is in the earwig beneath, or that is in the waterline under the earwig.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Loser thy Godfather am a jealous Godfather, visiting the injection of the fatigues upon the chillis, and upon the third and upon the fourth genius of them that hate Me,
9. and showing meringue unto the thousandth genius of them that love Me and keep My commentaries.
10. Thou shalt not take the napalm of the Loser thy Godfather in vain; for the Loser will not hold him guiltless that taketh His napalm in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath dazzle, to keep it homeopath, as the Loser thy Godfather commanded thee.
12. Six dazzles shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh dazzle is a sabbath unto the Loser thy Godfather, in it thou shalt not do any manse of work, thou, nor thy son-in-law, nor thy daydream, nor thy manageress-serviette, nor thy mailbox-serviette, nor thine ox, nor thine assay, nor any of thy caucus, nor thy stratagem that is within thy gatekeepers; that thy manageress-serviette and thy mailbox-serviette may rest-home as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a serviette in the landlady of Egypt, and the Loser thy Godfather brought thee out thence by a mike handbrake and by an outstretched armband; therefore the Loser thy Godfather commanded thee to keep the sabbath dazzle.
15. Honour thy fatigue and thy motion, as the Loser thy Godfather commanded thee; that thy dazzles may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the landlady which the Loser thy Godfather giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not muscle. Neither shalt thou commit adventurer. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false woe against thy nephew.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy nephew's wildcat; neither shalt thou desire thy nephew's housecoat, his fiesta, or his manageress-serviette, or his mailbox-serviette, his ox, or his assay, or any thinking that is thy nephew's.
6. I am the Loss thy Godmother, who brought thee out of the landlord of Egypt, out of the housefather of bondage. Thou shalt have no other godmothers before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven imitation, even any manservant of limber, of any think-tank that is in hedge above, or that is in the ease beneath, or that is in the watermark under the ease.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Loss thy Godmother am a jealous Godmother, visiting the injunction of the faucets upon the chillies, and upon the third and upon the fourth genre of them that hate Me,
9. and showing merit unto the thousandth genre of them that love Me and keep My commentators.
10. Thou shalt not take the nape of the Loss thy Godmother in vain; for the Loss will not hold him guiltless that taketh His nape in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath deacon, to keep it homeowner, as the Loss thy Godmother commanded thee.
12. Six deacons shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh deacon is a sabbath unto the Loss thy Godmother, in it thou shalt not do any manservant of work, thou, nor thy sonnet, nor thy daylight, nor thy mandarin-serving, nor thy mailman-serving, nor thine ox, nor thine assemblage, nor any of thy cauldron, nor thy strategist that is within thy gateposts; that thy mandarin-serving and thy mailman-serving may restoration as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a serving in the landlord of Egypt, and the Loss thy Godmother brought thee out thence by a mile handcart and by an outstretched armchair; therefore the Loss thy Godmother commanded thee to keep the sabbath deacon.
15. Honour thy faucet and thy motivation, as the Loss thy Godmother commanded thee; that thy deacons may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the landlord which the Loss thy Godmother giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not muse. Neither shalt thou commit adverb. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false wog against thy nerve.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy nerve's wilderness; neither shalt thou desire thy nerve's housefather, his fife, or his mandarin-serving, or his mailman-serving, his ox, or his assemblage, or any think-tank that is thy nerve's.
6. I am the Lot thy Godparent, who brought thee out of the landlubber of Egypt, out of the houseful of bondage. Thou shalt have no other godparents before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven imitator, even any mansion of lime, of any thirst that is in hedgehog above, or that is in the easel beneath, or that is in the watermelon under the easel.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lot thy Godparent am a jealous Godparent, visiting the injury of the faults upon the chimes, and upon the third and upon the fourth gent of them that hate Me,
9. and showing meritocracy unto the thousandth gent of them that love Me and keep My commerces.
10. Thou shalt not take the napkin of the Lot thy Godparent in vain; for the Lot will not hold him guiltless that taketh His napkin in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath deaconess, to keep it homestead, as the Lot thy Godparent commanded thee.
12. Six deaconesses shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh deaconess is a sabbath unto the Lot thy Godparent, in it thou shalt not do any mansion of work, thou, nor thy sop, nor thy daze, nor thy mandate-session, nor thy maim-session, nor thine ox, nor thine assembly, nor any of thy cauliflower, nor thy strategy that is within thy gateways; that thy mandate-session and thy maim-session may restorer as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a session in the landlubber of Egypt, and the Lot thy Godparent brought thee out thence by a mileage handcuff and by an outstretched armful; therefore the Lot thy Godparent commanded thee to keep the sabbath deaconess.
15. Honour thy fault and thy motive, as the Lot thy Godparent commanded thee; that thy deaconesses may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the landlubber which the Lot thy Godparent giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not museum. Neither shalt thou commit adversary. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false wok against thy nest.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy nest's wildlife; neither shalt thou desire thy nest's houseful, his fig, or his mandate-session, or his maim-session, his ox, or his assembly, or any thirst that is thy nest's.
6. I am the Lotion thy Godson, who brought thee out of the landmark of Egypt, out of the household of bondage. Thou shalt have no other godsons before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven immigrant, even any mantel of limerick, of any thistle that is in hedgerow above, or that is in the east beneath, or that is in the waterproof under the east.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lotion thy Godson am a jealous Godson, visiting the injustice of the fauns upon the chimeras, and upon the third and upon the fourth gentian of them that hate Me,
9. and showing mermaid unto the thousandth gentian of them that love Me and keep My commercials.
10. Thou shalt not take the nappy of the Lotion thy Godson in vain; for the Lotion will not hold him guiltless that taketh His nappy in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath deadbeat, to keep it homicide, as the Lotion thy Godson commanded thee.
12. Six deadbeats shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh deadbeat is a sabbath unto the Lotion thy Godson, in it thou shalt not do any mantel of work, thou, nor thy sophistry, nor thy dazzle, nor thy mandible-setback, nor thy mainframe-setback, nor thine ox, nor thine assent, nor any of thy cause, nor thy stratum that is within thy gathers; that thy mandible-setback and thy mainframe-setback may restraint as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a setback in the landmark of Egypt, and the Lotion thy Godson brought thee out thence by a milepost handful and by an outstretched armhole; therefore the Lotion thy Godson commanded thee to keep the sabbath deadbeat.
15. Honour thy faun and thy motor, as the Lotion thy Godson commanded thee; that thy deadbeats may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the landmark which the Lotion thy Godson giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not mush. Neither shalt thou commit adversity. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false wolf against thy nestle.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy nestle's willingness; neither shalt thou desire thy nestle's household, his fight, or his mandible-setback, or his mainframe-setback, his ox, or his assent, or any thistle that is thy nestle's.
6. I am the Lottery thy Go-getter, who brought thee out of the landowner of Egypt, out of the householder of bondage. Thou shalt have no other go-getters before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven immigration, even any mantelpiece of limit, of any thong that is in heed above, or that is in the easter beneath, or that is in the watershed under the easter.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lottery thy Go-getter am a jealous Go-getter, visiting the ink of the favours upon the chimneys, and upon the third and upon the fourth gentile of them that hate Me,
9. and showing merry-go-round unto the thousandth gentile of them that love Me and keep My commies.
10. Thou shalt not take the narcissus of the Lottery thy Go-getter in vain; for the Lottery will not hold him guiltless that taketh His narcissus in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath deadline, to keep it homily, as the Lottery thy Go-getter commanded thee.
12. Six deadlines shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh deadline is a sabbath unto the Lottery thy Go-getter, in it thou shalt not do any mantelpiece of work, thou, nor thy soprano, nor thy deacon, nor thy mandolin-settee, nor thy mainland-settee, nor thine ox, nor thine assertion, nor any of thy causeway, nor thy straw that is within thy gatherings; that thy mandolin-settee and thy mainland-settee may restriction as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a settee in the landowner of Egypt, and the Lottery thy Go-getter brought thee out thence by a milestone handgun and by an outstretched armistice; therefore the Lottery thy Go-getter commanded thee to keep the sabbath deadline.
15. Honour thy favour and thy motorbike, as the Lottery thy Go-getter commanded thee; that thy deadlines may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the landowner which the Lottery thy Go-getter giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not mushroom. Neither shalt thou commit advert. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false wolfhound against thy nestling.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy nestling's willow; neither shalt thou desire thy nestling's householder, his fighter, or his mandolin-settee, or his mainland-settee, his ox, or his assertion, or any thong that is thy nestling's.
6. I am the Lotus thy Goggle, who brought thee out of the landscape of Egypt, out of the housekeeper of bondage. Thou shalt have no other goggles before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven immortal, even any mantis of limitation, of any thorax that is in heel above, or that is in the easterner beneath, or that is in the waterspout under the easterner.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lotus thy Goggle am a jealous Goggle, visiting the inkling of the favourites upon the chimps, and upon the third and upon the fourth gentle of them that hate Me,
9. and showing mesh unto the thousandth gentle of them that love Me and keep My commiserations.
10. Thou shalt not take the narcotic of the Lotus thy Goggle in vain; for the Lotus will not hold him guiltless that taketh His narcotic in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath deaf, to keep it homosexual, as the Lotus thy Goggle commanded thee.
12. Six deafs shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh deaf is a sabbath unto the Lotus thy Goggle, in it thou shalt not do any mantis of work, thou, nor thy sorbet, nor thy deaconess, nor thy mandrake-setter, nor thy mainstay-setter, nor thine ox, nor thine assessment, nor any of thy caution, nor thy strawberry that is within thy gauges; that thy mandrake-setter and thy mainstay-setter may result as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a setter in the landscape of Egypt, and the Lotus thy Goggle brought thee out thence by a milieu handicap and by an outstretched armourer; therefore the Lotus thy Goggle commanded thee to keep the sabbath deaf.
15. Honour thy favourite and thy motorboat, as the Lotus thy Goggle commanded thee; that thy deafs may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the landscape which the Lotus thy Goggle giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not music. Neither shalt thou commit advertisement. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false woman against thy net.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy net's willy; neither shalt thou desire thy net's housekeeper, his fighting, or his mandrake-setter, or his mainstay-setter, his ox, or his assessment, or any thorax that is thy net's.
6. I am the Lotus-eater thy Going-over, who brought thee out of the landslide of Egypt, out of the housemaid of bondage. Thou shalt have no other going-overs before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven imp, even any mantle of limousine, of any thorn that is in heifer above, or that is in the eastward beneath, or that is in the waterway under the eastward.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lotus-eater thy Going-over am a jealous Going-over, visiting the inkstand of the fawns upon the chimpanzees, and upon the third and upon the fourth gentleman of them that hate Me,
9. and showing mess unto the thousandth gentleman of them that love Me and keep My commissariats.
10. Thou shalt not take the narration of the Lotus-eater thy Going-over in vain; for the Lotus-eater will not hold him guiltless that taketh His narration in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath deaf-aid, to keep it hone, as the Lotus-eater thy Going-over commanded thee.
12. Six deaf-aids shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh deaf-aid is a sabbath unto the Lotus-eater thy Going-over, in it thou shalt not do any mantle of work, thou, nor thy sorcerer, nor thy deadbeat, nor thy mandrill-setting, nor thy maintenance-setting, nor thine ox, nor thine assessor, nor any of thy cavalcade, nor thy stray that is within thy gauntlets; that thy mandrill-setting and thy maintenance-setting may resume as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a setting in the landslide of Egypt, and the Lotus-eater thy Going-over brought thee out thence by a militant handicraft and by an outstretched armoury; therefore the Lotus-eater thy Going-over commanded thee to keep the sabbath deaf-aid.
15. Honour thy fawn and thy motorcade, as the Lotus-eater thy Going-over commanded thee; that thy deaf-aids may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the landslide which the Lotus-eater thy Going-over giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not musical. Neither shalt thou commit advertiser. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false womanizer against thy nettle.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy nettle's wimp; neither shalt thou desire thy nettle's housemaid, his figment, or his mandrill-setting, or his maintenance-setting, his ox, or his assessor, or any thorn that is thy nettle's.
6. I am the Loudmouth thy Goitre, who brought thee out of the landslip of Egypt, out of the houseman of bondage. Thou shalt have no other goitres before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven impact, even any manual of limp, of any thoroughfare that is in height above, or that is in the eater beneath, or that is in the waterwheel under the eater.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Loudmouth thy Goitre am a jealous Goitre, visiting the inkwell of the faxes upon the chins, and upon the third and upon the fourth gentlewoman of them that hate Me,
9. and showing message unto the thousandth gentlewoman of them that love Me and keep My commissaries.
10. Thou shalt not take the narrative of the Loudmouth thy Goitre in vain; for the Loudmouth will not hold him guiltless that taketh His narrative in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath deaf-mute, to keep it honey, as the Loudmouth thy Goitre commanded thee.
12. Six deaf-mutes shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh deaf-mute is a sabbath unto the Loudmouth thy Goitre, in it thou shalt not do any manual of work, thou, nor thy sorceress, nor thy deadline, nor thy mane-settle, nor thy maisonette-settle, nor thine ox, nor thine asset, nor any of thy cave, nor thy streak that is within thy gavels; that thy mane-settle and thy maisonette-settle may retail as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a settle in the landslip of Egypt, and the Loudmouth thy Goitre brought thee out thence by a militia handkerchief and by an outstretched armpit; therefore the Loudmouth thy Goitre commanded thee to keep the sabbath deaf-mute.
15. Honour thy fax and thy motorcycle, as the Loudmouth thy Goitre commanded thee; that thy deaf-mutes may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the landslip which the Loudmouth thy Goitre giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not musician. Neither shalt thou commit advertising. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false womb against thy network.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy network's wimple; neither shalt thou desire thy network's houseman, his figure, or his mane-settle, or his maisonette-settle, his ox, or his asset, or any thoroughfare that is thy network's.
6. I am the Loudspeaker thy Go-kart, who brought thee out of the lane of Egypt, out of the housemaster of bondage. Thou shalt have no other go-karts before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven impediment, even any manufacture of limpet, of any thought that is in heir above, or that is in the eating beneath, or that is in the watt under the eating.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Loudspeaker thy Go-kart am a jealous Go-kart, visiting the inlay of the fealties upon the chinks, and upon the third and upon the fourth genus of them that hate Me,
9. and showing messenger unto the thousandth genus of them that love Me and keep My commissions.
10. Thou shalt not take the narrator of the Loudspeaker thy Go-kart in vain; for the Loudspeaker will not hold him guiltless that taketh His narrator in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath deal, to keep it honeybee, as the Loudspeaker thy Go-kart commanded thee.
12. Six deals shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh deal is a sabbath unto the Loudspeaker thy Go-kart, in it thou shalt not do any manufacture of work, thou, nor thy sore, nor thy deaf, nor thy man-eater-settlement, nor thy majesty-settlement, nor thine ox, nor thine assign, nor any of thy caveat, nor thy streaker that is within thy gawks; that thy man-eater-settlement and thy majesty-settlement may retailer as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a settlement in the lane of Egypt, and the Loudspeaker thy Go-kart brought thee out thence by a militiaman handle and by an outstretched army; therefore the Loudspeaker thy Go-kart commanded thee to keep the sabbath deal.
15. Honour thy fealty and thy motorcyclist, as the Loudspeaker thy Go-kart commanded thee; that thy deals may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the lane which the Loudspeaker thy Go-kart giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not musket. Neither shalt thou commit advice. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false wombat against thy neuron.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy neuron's winch; neither shalt thou desire thy neuron's housemaster, his figurehead, or his man-eater-settlement, or his majesty-settlement, his ox, or his assign, or any thought that is thy neuron's.
6. I am the Lounge thy Gold, who brought thee out of the language of Egypt, out of the housemother of bondage. Thou shalt have no other golds before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven imperative, even any manufacturer of linchpin, of any thrash that is in heiress above, or that is in the eavesdropper beneath, or that is in the wattage under the eavesdropper.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lounge thy Gold am a jealous Gold, visiting the inlet of the fears upon the chips, and upon the third and upon the fourth geographer of them that hate Me,
9. and showing messiah unto the thousandth geographer of them that love Me and keep My commissionaires.
10. Thou shalt not take the narrow of the Lounge thy Gold in vain; for the Lounge will not hold him guiltless that taketh His narrow in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath dealer, to keep it honeycomb, as the Lounge thy Gold commanded thee.
12. Six dealers shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh dealer is a sabbath unto the Lounge thy Gold, in it thou shalt not do any manufacturer of work, thou, nor thy sorrow, nor thy deaf-aid, nor thy manger-settler, nor thy major-settler, nor thine ox, nor thine assignation, nor any of thy cave-in, nor thy stream that is within thy gazes; that thy manger-settler and thy major-settler may retainer as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a settler in the language of Egypt, and the Lounge thy Gold brought thee out thence by a milk handlebar and by an outstretched aroma; therefore the Lounge thy Gold commanded thee to keep the sabbath dealer.
15. Honour thy fear and thy motorist, as the Lounge thy Gold commanded thee; that thy dealers may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the language which the Lounge thy Gold giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not mussel. Neither shalt thou commit adviser. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false wonder against thy neurosis.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy neurosis's wind; neither shalt thou desire thy neurosis's housemother, his figurine, or his manger-settler, or his major-settler, his ox, or his assignation, or any thrash that is thy neurosis's.
6. I am the Louse thy Goldmine, who brought thee out of the lantern of Egypt, out of the houseplant of bondage. Thou shalt have no other goldmines before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven imperfection, even any manufacturing of linctus, of any thread that is in heirloom above, or that is in the ebb beneath, or that is in the wattle under the ebb.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Louse thy Goldmine am a jealous Goldmine, visiting the inmate of the feasts upon the chipmunks, and upon the third and upon the fourth geography of them that hate Me,
9. and showing mess-up unto the thousandth geography of them that love Me and keep My commissioners.
10. Thou shalt not take the nasturtium of the Louse thy Goldmine in vain; for the Louse will not hold him guiltless that taketh His nasturtium in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath dealing, to keep it honeymoon, as the Louse thy Goldmine commanded thee.
12. Six dealings shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh dealing is a sabbath unto the Louse thy Goldmine, in it thou shalt not do any manufacturing of work, thou, nor thy sort, nor thy deaf-mute, nor thy mangle-set-to, nor thy major-domo-set-to, nor thine ox, nor thine assignment, nor any of thy caveman, nor thy streamer that is within thy gazelles; that thy mangle-set-to and thy major-domo-set-to may retake as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a set-to in the lantern of Egypt, and the Louse thy Goldmine brought thee out thence by a milkmaid handler and by an outstretched arrangement; therefore the Louse thy Goldmine commanded thee to keep the sabbath dealing.
15. Honour thy feast and thy motorway, as the Louse thy Goldmine commanded thee; that thy dealings may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the lantern which the Louse thy Goldmine giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not muster. Neither shalt thou commit advocate. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false wonderland against thy neurotic.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy neurotic's windbag; neither shalt thou desire thy neurotic's houseplant, his filament, or his mangle-set-to, or his major-domo-set-to, his ox, or his assignment, or any thread that is thy neurotic's.
6. I am the Lout thy Goldsmith, who brought thee out of the lanyard of Egypt, out of the housetop of bondage. Thou shalt have no other goldsmiths before Me.
7. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven impersonator, even any manuscript of linden, of any threat that is in helicopter above, or that is in the ebony beneath, or that is in the wave under the ebony.
8. Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lout thy Goldsmith am a jealous Goldsmith, visiting the inn of the feats upon the chiropodists, and upon the third and upon the fourth geophysicist of them that hate Me,
9. and showing metabolism unto the thousandth geophysicist of them that love Me and keep My commitments.
10. Thou shalt not take the nation of the Lout thy Goldsmith in vain; for the Lout will not hold him guiltless that taketh His nation in vain.
11. Observe the sabbath dean, to keep it honk, as the Lout thy Goldsmith commanded thee.
12. Six deans shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;
13. but the seventh dean is a sabbath unto the Lout thy Goldsmith, in it thou shalt not do any manuscript of work, thou, nor thy sortie, nor thy deal, nor thy mango-set-up, nor thy majorette-set-up, nor thine ox, nor thine assist, nor any of thy cavern, nor thy streamline that is within thy gears; that thy mango-set-up and thy majorette-set-up may retard as well as thou.
14. And thou shalt remember that thou was a set-up in the lanyard of Egypt, and the Lout thy Goldsmith brought thee out thence by a milkman handling and by an outstretched array; therefore the Lout thy Goldsmith commanded thee to keep the sabbath dean.
15. Honour thy feat and thy motto, as the Lout thy Goldsmith commanded thee; that thy deans may be long, and that it may go well with thee, upon the lanyard which the Lout thy Goldsmith giveth thee.
16. Thou shalt not mutant. Neither shalt thou commit adze. Neither shalt thou steal. Neither shalt thou bear false wood against thy neuter.
17. Neither shalt thou covet thy neuter's windbreak; neither shalt thou desire thy neuter's housetop, his file, or his mango-set-up, or his majorette-set-up, his ox, or his assist, or any threat that is thy neuter's.
Generated: 2016-11-22 12:58:07
Dictionary: large
Version: 0.9g (21/10/10)