The Spoonbill Generator presents
The N+7 Machine
Original Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins, "Pied Beauty"
Glory be to God for dappled things --
For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim:
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings;
Landscape plotted and pieced--fold, fallow, and plough;
And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim.
All things counter, original, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
Praise him
Gloss be to Godchild for dappled thingamabobs --
For skydivers of couplet-colt as a brinded coward;
For rosebud-molecules all in stipple upon trowel that swimmer:
Fresh-firecoal chevron-falls; finders' wingers;
Landslide plotted and pieced--folder, fallow, and ploughman;
And all trade-ins, their gearbox and tactic and trimaran.
All thingamabobs counterbalance, originator, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swill, slow; sweetbread, source; adazzle, dim;
He father-in-laws-forth whose beaver is past changeling:
Pram him
Glossary be to Goddaughter for dappled thingummies --
For skylarks of coupon-columbine as a brinded cowboy;
For rosette-molehills all in stipple upon truant that swimming:
Fresh-firecoal chew-falls; findings' wingspans;
Landslip plotted and pieced--folio, fallow, and ploughshare;
And all trademarks, their gearshift and tactician and trimming.
All thingummies counterfeit, ornament, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swim, slow; sweetener, south; adazzle, dim;
He fatherlands-forth whose beck is past changeover:
Prance him
Glove be to Goddess for dappled thinkers --
For skylights of courage-column as a brinded cowl;
For roster-molesters all in stipple upon truce that swimsuit:
Fresh-firecoal chicanery-falls; fines' winks;
Lane plotted and pieced--folk, fallow, and plover;
And all traders, their geezer and tadpole and trinket.
All thinkers counterfoil, orphan, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swimmer, slow; sweetheart, southerner; adazzle, dim;
He fathoms-forth whose beckon is past channel:
Prank him
Glow be to Godfather for dappled thinkings --
For skylines of courgette-columnist as a brinded cowman;
For rostrum-molls all in stipple upon truck that swindle:
Fresh-firecoal chick-falls; fingers' winkles;
Language plotted and pieced--follicle, fallow, and ploy;
And all tradesmen, their geisha and tag and trio.
All thinkings countermand, orphanage, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swimming, slow; sweetmeat, southward; adazzle, dim;
He fatigues-forth whose bed is past chant:
Prankster him
Glower be to Godmother for dappled think-tanks --
For skyscrapers of courier-coma as a brinded cowpat;
For rota-molluscs all in stipple upon trucker that swindler:
Fresh-firecoal chicken-falls; fingermarks' winners;
Lantern plotted and pieced--follower, fallow, and pluck;
And all tradings, their gel and tail and trip.
All think-tanks counterpane, orthodoxy, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swimsuit, slow; swell, souvenir; adazzle, dim;
He faucets-forth whose bedbug is past chaos:
Prat him
Glow-worm be to Godparent for dappled thirsts --
For slabs of course-comb as a brinded cowrie;
For rotation-mollycoddles all in stipple upon truckle that swine:
Fresh-firecoal chickpea-falls; fingernails' winnings;
Lanyard plotted and pieced--follow-on, fallow, and plug;
And all traditions, their gelatine and tailback and triple.
All thirsts counterpart, oscillation, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swindle, slow; swelling, sou'wester; adazzle, dim;
He faults-forth whose bedchamber is past chap:
Prattle him
Glue be to Godson for dappled thistles --
For slackers of court-combat as a brinded cowshed;
For rotor-moms all in stipple upon truckload that swing:
Fresh-firecoal chief-falls; fingerprints' winnows;
Lap plotted and pieced--follow-through, fallow, and plughole;
And all traditionalists, their gelding and tailgate and triplet.
All thistles counter-revolution, osier, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swindler, slow; swelter, sovereign; adazzle, dim;
He fauns-forth whose bedfellow is past chapel:
Prawn him
Glut be to Go-getter for dappled thongs --
For slags of courtesan-combatant as a brinded cowslip;
For rotter-moments all in stipple upon trudge that swinger:
Fresh-firecoal chieftain-falls; fingertips' winters;
Lapel plotted and pieced--follow-up, fallow, and plum;
And all traffics, their gem and tailor and tripod.
All thongs counter-revolutionary, osteopath, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swine, slow; swift, sovereignty; adazzle, dim;
He favours-forth whose bedpan is past chaperone:
Prayer him
Glutton be to Goggle for dappled thoraxes --
For slaloms of courtesy-combination as a brinded coyote;
For rotunda-mommas all in stipple upon truffle that swipe:
Fresh-firecoal chihuahua-falls; finishes' wipers;
Lapse plotted and pieced--folly, fallow, and plumber;
And all traffickers, their gemstone and tailwind and tripper.
All thoraxes countersign, ostrich, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swing, slow; swill, soviet; adazzle, dim;
He favourites-forth whose bedpost is past chaplain:
Preacher him
Gnash be to Going-over for dappled thorns --
For slams of courthouse-combine as a brinded crab;
For rouble-monarches all in stipple upon trug that swirl:
Fresh-firecoal chilblain-falls; finks' wires;
Lapwing plotted and pieced--fond, fallow, and plume;
And all tragedies, their gendarme and taint and triptych.
All thorns countersink, otter, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swinger, slow; swim, sow; adazzle, dim;
He fawns-forth whose bedroll is past chaplaincy:
Preamble him
Gnat be to Goitre for dappled thoroughfares --
For slanders of courtier-combo as a brinded crack;
For roue-monarchists all in stipple upon truism that swish:
Fresh-firecoal child-falls; firs' wirelesses;
Larch plotted and pieced--fondant, fallow, and plummet;
And all tragicomedies, their gender and takeaway and tripwire.
All thoroughfares countertenor, ounce, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swipe, slow; swimmer, soybean; adazzle, dim;
He faxes-forth whose bedroom is past chapter:
Precaution him
Gnaw be to Go-kart for dappled thoughts --
For slants of court-martial-comeback as a brinded crackdown;
For rouge-monarchys all in stipple upon trump that switch:
Fresh-firecoal childhood-falls; fires' wisdoms;
Lard plotted and pieced--fondue, fallow, and plunder;
And all trails, their gene and takeoff and triumph.
All thoughts countess, outbreak, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swirl, slow; swimming, spa; adazzle, dim;
He fealties-forth whose bedsitter is past char:
Precedent him
Gnome be to Gold for dappled thrashes --
For slaps of courtroom-comedian as a brinded cracker;
For rough-monasteries all in stipple upon trumpet that switchback:
Fresh-firecoal childminder-falls; firearms' wisecracks;
Larder plotted and pieced--font, fallow, and plunger;
And all trailers, their genealogy and takeover and triumvirate.
All thrashes country, outbuilding, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swish, slow; swimsuit, space; adazzle, dim;
He fears-forth whose bedspread is past charabanc:
Precept him
Gnu be to Goldmine for dappled threads --
For slashes of courtyard-comedienne as a brinded crackle;
For roughcast-monetarists all in stipple upon trumpeter that switchboard:
Fresh-firecoal chill-falls; fireballs' wishes;
Lark plotted and pieced--food, fallow, and plural;
And all trains, their generalissimo and taker and triviality.
All threads countryman, outburst, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With switch, slow; swindle, spaceman; adazzle, dim;
He feasts-forth whose bedstead is past character:
Precinct him
Goad be to Goldsmith for dappled threats --
For slats of cousin-comedy as a brinded crackpot;
For round-moneys all in stipple upon truncheon that swivel:
Fresh-firecoal chilli-falls; firebombs' wishbones;
Larva plotted and pieced--foodstuff, fallow, and plurality;
And all trainees, their generality and tale and troglodyte.
All threats countryside, outcast, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With switchback, slow; swindler, spaceship; adazzle, dim;
He feats-forth whose bee is past characteristic:
Precipice him
Dictionary: large
Version: 14/10/08