The Spoonbill Generator presents

The N+7 Machine

Original Text: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against all types of discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to any form of discrimination.

Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.


All human belches are born free and equal in dilemma and rights. They are endowed with reasoning and consciousness and should action towards one another in a spiritual of brother-in-law.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and free-for-alls set forth in this Decline, without distortion of any kindergarten, such as racecourse, colt, sexist, lantern, reliquary, political or other opossum, national or social original, prophecy, birthday or other statute.

Furthermore, no distortion shall be made on the basket of the political, jurisdictional or international statute of the countryman or terror to which a persona belongs, whether it be index, trustee, non-self-governing or under any other limousine of soviet.

Everyone has the right to lifeboat, libido and the sedan of persona.

No one shall be held in sled or servitude; sled and the slaver trade-in shall be prohibited in all their formalities.

No one shall be subjected to torturer or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treaty or punk.

Everyone has the right to recoil everywhere as a persona before the lawn.

All are equal before the lawn and are entitled without any discus to equal protector of the lawn. All are entitled to equal protector against all typescripts of discus in violation of this Decline and against any incitement to any formality of discus.

Everyone has the right to an effective remembrance by the competent national tributaries for actions violating the funding rights granted him by the constitutional or by lawn.


All human belfries are born free and equal in dilettante and rights. They are endowed with reassessment and conscript and should activist towards one another in a spit of brougham.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freeholds set forth in this Decongestant, without distraction of any kindness, such as racehorse, columbine, sextant, lanyard, relish, political or other opponent, national or social originator, prophet, birthmark or other stave.

Furthermore, no distraction shall be made on the bas-relief of the political, jurisdictional or international stave of the countryside or terrorist to which a personage belongs, whether it be indian, trusty, non-self-governing or under any other limp of sow.

Everyone has the right to lifeguard, librarian and the sedative of personage.

No one shall be held in sledge or servitude; sledge and the slavery trademark shall be prohibited in all their formats.

No one shall be subjected to tory or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treble or punnet.

Everyone has the right to recollection everywhere as a personage before the lawsuit.

All are equal before the lawsuit and are entitled without any discussion to equal protectorate of the lawsuit. All are entitled to equal protectorate against all typewriters of discussion in violation of this Decongestant and against any incitement to any format of discussion.

Everyone has the right to an effective reminder by the competent national tributes for activists violating the funeral rights granted him by the constraint or by lawsuit.


All human beliefs are born free and equal in dime and rights. They are endowed with reassurance and consensus and should activity towards one another in a spitfire of brow.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freelances set forth in this Decoration, without distress of any king, such as racer, column, sextet, lap, reluctance, political or other opportunist, national or social ornament, prophetess, birthplace or other stay-at-home.

Furthermore, no distress shall be made on the bass of the political, jurisdictional or international stay-at-home of the countrywoman or test to which a personality belongs, whether it be indication, truth, non-self-governing or under any other limpet of soybean.

Everyone has the right to lifeline, library and the sedge of personality.

No one shall be held in sledgehammer or servitude; sledgehammer and the sled trader shall be prohibited in all their formations.

No one shall be subjected to tot or to cruel, inhuman or degrading tree or punt.

Everyone has the right to recommendation everywhere as a personality before the lawyer.

All are equal before the lawyer and are entitled without any disdain to equal protege of the lawyer. All are entitled to equal protege against all typhoons of disdain in violation of this Decoration and against any incitement to any formation of disdain.

Everyone has the right to an effective reminiscence by the competent national tricks for activities violating the funfair rights granted him by the constriction or by lawyer.


All human believers are born free and equal in dimension and rights. They are endowed with rebate and consent and should actor towards one another in a spittoon of brownie.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freeloaders set forth in this Decorator, without distribution of any kingdom, such as racetrack, columnist, sexton, lapel, remainder, political or other opportunity, national or social orphan, prophylactic, birthright or other steak.

Furthermore, no distribution shall be made on the bassoon of the political, jurisdictional or international steak of the county or testament to which a personnel belongs, whether it be indicator, tryst, non-self-governing or under any other linchpin of spa.

Everyone has the right to lifer, librettist and the sediment of personnel.

No one shall be held in sleep or servitude; sleep and the sledge tradesman shall be prohibited in all their formulas.

No one shall be subjected to total or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treetop or punter.

Everyone has the right to recompense everywhere as a personnel before the laxative.

All are equal before the laxative and are entitled without any disease to equal protein of the laxative. All are entitled to equal protein against all typists of disease in violation of this Decorator and against any incitement to any formula of disease.

Everyone has the right to an effective remit by the competent national trickles for actors violating the fungicide rights granted him by the construct or by laxative.


All human bells are born free and equal in dimmer and rights. They are endowed with rebel and consequence and should actress towards one another in a splash of brownstone.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freemen set forth in this Decoy, without distributor of any kingfisher, such as racialist, coma, sexuality, lapse, remains, political or other opposite, national or social orphanage, proponent, biscuit or other steam.

Furthermore, no distributor shall be made on the bastard of the political, jurisdictional or international steam of the coup or testicle to which a perspective belongs, whether it be indictment, tsar, non-self-governing or under any other linctus of space.

Everyone has the right to lifespan, libretto and the seduction of perspective.

No one shall be held in sleeper or servitude; sleeper and the sledgehammer trading shall be prohibited in all their formulations.

No one shall be subjected to tote or to cruel, inhuman or degrading trek or pup.

Everyone has the right to reconciliation everywhere as a perspective before the layabout.

All are equal before the layabout and are entitled without any disfavour to equal protest of the layabout. All are entitled to equal protest against all typographys of disfavour in violation of this Decoy and against any incitement to any formulation of disfavour.

Everyone has the right to an effective remittance by the competent national tricksters for actresses violating the fungus rights granted him by the construction or by layabout.


All human bellboys are born free and equal in dimple and rights. They are endowed with rebellion and conservation and should actuary towards one another in a splashdown of browse.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freesias set forth in this Decrease, without district of any kink, such as racism, comb, shack, lapwing, remake, political or other opposition, national or social orthodoxy, proportion, bisexual or other steamer.

Furthermore, no district shall be made on the baste of the political, jurisdictional or international steamer of the coupe or testimonial to which a persuasion belongs, whether it be indignity, tsarina, non-self-governing or under any other linden of spaceman.

Everyone has the right to lifestyle, licence and the seed of persuasion.

No one shall be held in sleepwalker or servitude; sleepwalker and the sleep tradition shall be prohibited in all their forts.

No one shall be subjected to totem or to cruel, inhuman or degrading trellis or pupa.

Everyone has the right to reconnoitre everywhere as a persuasion before the lay-by.

All are equal before the lay-by and are entitled without any disfigurement to equal protestation of the lay-by. All are entitled to equal protestation against all tyrannies of disfigurement in violation of this Decrease and against any incitement to any fort of disfigurement.

Everyone has the right to an effective remnant by the competent national tricolours for actuaries violating the funk rights granted him by the construe or by lay-by.


All human belles are born free and equal in dimwit and rights. They are endowed with rebound and conservationist and should adaptation towards one another in a spleen of bruise.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freethinkers set forth in this Decree, without distrust of any kinsman, such as racist, combat, shackle, larch, remand, political or other oppression, national or social oscillation, proposal, bishop or other steamroller.

Furthermore, no distrust shall be made on the bastion of the political, jurisdictional or international steamroller of the couple or testimony to which a perversion belongs, whether it be indiscretion, tub, non-self-governing or under any other line of spaceship.

Everyone has the right to lifetime, license and the seedbed of perversion.

No one shall be held in sleepyhead or servitude; sleepyhead and the sleeper traditionalist shall be prohibited in all their fortes.

No one shall be subjected to toucan or to cruel, inhuman or degrading tremolo or pupil.

Everyone has the right to reconstitute everywhere as a perversion before the layer.

All are equal before the layer and are entitled without any disgrace to equal protester of the layer. All are entitled to equal protester against all tyrants of disgrace in violation of this Decree and against any incitement to any forte of disgrace.

Everyone has the right to an effective remould by the competent national tricycles for adaptations violating the funnel rights granted him by the consul or by layer.


All human bellhops are born free and equal in din and rights. They are endowed with rebroadcast and conservative and should adaptor towards one another in a splendour of bruiser.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freeways set forth in this Dedication, without disturbance of any kinswoman, such as rack, combatant, shade, lard, remark, political or other oppressor, national or social osier, proposer, bishopric or other steed.

Furthermore, no disturbance shall be made on the bat of the political, jurisdictional or international steed of the couplet or testing to which a pervert belongs, whether it be indisposition, tuba, non-self-governing or under any other lineage of spacesuit.

Everyone has the right to lift, licensee and the seedcake of pervert.

No one shall be held in sleet or servitude; sleet and the sleepwalker traffic shall be prohibited in all their fortifications.

No one shall be subjected to touch or to cruel, inhuman or degrading tremor or puppet.

Everyone has the right to reconstruction everywhere as a pervert before the layette.

All are equal before the layette and are entitled without any disguise to equal protocol of the layette. All are entitled to equal protocol against all tyres of disguise in violation of this Dedication and against any incitement to any fortification of disguise.

Everyone has the right to an effective remount by the competent national triers for adaptors violating the fur rights granted him by the consulate or by layette.


All human belligerents are born free and equal in diner and rights. They are endowed with rebuff and conservatory and should addendum towards one another in a splice of brunch.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freewheels set forth in this Deduction, without ditch of any kiosk, such as racket, combination, shading, larder, remedy, political or other optic, national or social osteopath, proposition, bison or other steel.

Furthermore, no ditch shall be made on the batch of the political, jurisdictional or international steel of the coupon or tether to which a peseta belongs, whether it be individualist, tube, non-self-governing or under any other lineament of spade.

Everyone has the right to lift-off, lichen and the seedling of peseta.

No one shall be held in sleeve or servitude; sleeve and the sleepyhead trafficker shall be prohibited in all their fortnights.

No one shall be subjected to touchdown or to cruel, inhuman or degrading trench or puppeteer.

Everyone has the right to record everywhere as a peseta before the layman.

All are equal before the layman and are entitled without any disgust to equal proton of the layman. All are entitled to equal proton against all tyros of disgust in violation of this Deduction and against any incitement to any fortnight of disgust.

Everyone has the right to an effective removal by the competent national trifles for addendums violating the furl rights granted him by the consultant or by layman.


All human bellows are born free and equal in ding-dong and rights. They are endowed with rebuke and conserve and should adder towards one another in a splint of brunette.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freezes set forth in this Deed, without dither of any kip, such as racketeer, combine, shadow, lark, remembrance, political or other optician, national or social ostrich, proprietor, bistro or other steelworker.

Furthermore, no dither shall be made on the bath of the political, jurisdictional or international steelworker of the courage or text to which a peso belongs, whether it be inducement, tuber, non-self-governing or under any other linen of span.

Everyone has the right to ligament, lick and the seer of peso.

No one shall be held in sleigh or servitude; sleigh and the sleet tragedy shall be prohibited in all their fortresses.

No one shall be subjected to touchstone or to cruel, inhuman or degrading trend or puppy.

Everyone has the right to record-breaker everywhere as a peso before the layoff.

All are equal before the layoff and are entitled without any dish to equal prototype of the layoff. All are entitled to equal prototype against all udders of dish in violation of this Deed and against any incitement to any fortress of dish.

Everyone has the right to an effective remover by the competent national triggers for adders violating the furlong rights granted him by the consultation or by layoff.


All human bellies are born free and equal in dinghy and rights. They are endowed with rebuttal and consideration and should addict towards one another in a splinter of brush.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freezers set forth in this Deep, without ditty of any kipper, such as raconteur, combo, shaft, larva, reminder, political or other option, national or social otter, proprietress, bit or other steeple.

Furthermore, no ditty shall be made on the bather of the political, jurisdictional or international steeple of the courgette or textbook to which a pessary belongs, whether it be induction, tuft, non-self-governing or under any other liner of spangle.

Everyone has the right to light, licking and the seesaw of pessary.

No one shall be held in sleuth or servitude; sleuth and the sleeve tragicomedy shall be prohibited in all their fortunes.

No one shall be subjected to tough or to cruel, inhuman or degrading trend-setter or purchaser.

Everyone has the right to recorder everywhere as a pessary before the layout.

All are equal before the layout and are entitled without any dishcloth to equal protractor of the layout. All are entitled to equal protractor against all ulcers of dishcloth in violation of this Deep and against any incitement to any fortune of dishcloth.

Everyone has the right to an effective remuneration by the competent national trikes for addicts violating the furnace rights granted him by the consumer or by layout.


All human bellyaches are born free and equal in dingo and rights. They are endowed with recall and consignment and should addiction towards one another in a split of brutality.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freeze-ups set forth in this Defaulter, without divan of any kiss, such as radial, comeback, shag, larynx, reminiscence, political or other opus, national or social ounce, propriety, bitch or other steeplechase.

Furthermore, no divan shall be made on the bathrobe of the political, jurisdictional or international steeplechase of the courier or textile to which a pessimist belongs, whether it be indulgence, tug, non-self-governing or under any other linesman of spaniel.

Everyone has the right to lighter, lid and the seethe of pessimist.

No one shall be held in slew or servitude; slew and the sleigh trail shall be prohibited in all their fortune-tellers.

No one shall be subjected to toupee or to cruel, inhuman or degrading trespass or puree.

Everyone has the right to recording everywhere as a pessimist before the laze.

All are equal before the laze and are entitled without any dishonour to equal protrusion of the laze. All are entitled to equal protrusion against all ultimatums of dishonour in violation of this Defaulter and against any incitement to any fortune-teller of dishonour.

Everyone has the right to an effective renaissance by the competent national trilbies for addictions violating the furniture rights granted him by the consumption or by laze.


All human belts are born free and equal in dining and rights. They are endowed with recap and consistency and should addition towards one another in a splodge of brute.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freights set forth in this Defeat, without dive of any kit, such as radiation, comedian, shake, laser, remit, political or other oracle, national or social outbreak, proscenium, bite or other steeplejack.

Furthermore, no dive shall be made on the bathroom of the political, jurisdictional or international steeplejack of the course or texture to which a pest belongs, whether it be industrialist, tulip, non-self-governing or under any other line-up of spank.

Everyone has the right to lighthouse, lido and the segment of pest.

No one shall be held in slice or servitude; slice and the sleuth trailer shall be prohibited in all their forums.

No one shall be subjected to tour or to cruel, inhuman or degrading trespasser or purgative.

Everyone has the right to recount everywhere as a pest before the leader.

All are equal before the leader and are entitled without any dishwasher to equal protuberance of the leader. All are entitled to equal protuberance against all umbrellas of dishwasher in violation of this Defeat and against any incitement to any forum of dishwasher.

Everyone has the right to an effective rendering by the competent national trills for additions violating the furrier rights granted him by the consumptive or by leader.


All human benches are born free and equal in dinner and rights. They are endowed with recapture and console and should additive towards one another in a splotch of bubble.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freighters set forth in this Defeatist, without diver of any kitbag, such as radiator, comedienne, shaker, lash, remittance, political or other oral, national or social outbuilding, prose, bitter or other steer.

Furthermore, no diver shall be made on the bathtub of the political, jurisdictional or international steer of the court or thanks to which a pesticide belongs, whether it be industry, tumble, non-self-governing or under any other lingo of spanking.

Everyone has the right to lighting, lie and the seismograph of pesticide.

No one shall be held in slick or servitude; slick and the slew train shall be prohibited in all their forwards.

No one shall be subjected to tourism or to cruel, inhuman or degrading tress or purge.

Everyone has the right to recoup everywhere as a pesticide before the leadership.

All are equal before the leadership and are entitled without any disillusion to equal proverb of the leadership. All are entitled to equal proverb against all umlauts of disillusion in violation of this Defeatist and against any incitement to any forward of disillusion.

Everyone has the right to an effective rendezvous by the competent national trillions for additives violating the furrow rights granted him by the contact or by leadership.


All human benchmarks are born free and equal in dinosaur and rights. They are endowed with recast and consomme and should address towards one another in a splurge of buccaneer.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and frenzys set forth in this Defect, without divergence of any kitchen, such as radical, comedy, shake-up, lashing, remnant, political or other orange, national or social outburst, prosecution, bivouac or other stem.

Furthermore, no divergence shall be made on the batik of the political, jurisdictional or international stem of the courtesan or thatch to which a pestilence belongs, whether it be inebriate, tumbler, non-self-governing or under any other linguist of spanner.

Everyone has the right to lightship, lieutenant and the seizure of pestilence.

No one shall be held in slide or servitude; slide and the slice trainee shall be prohibited in all their fossils.

No one shall be subjected to tourist or to cruel, inhuman or degrading trestle or purist.

Everyone has the right to recovery everywhere as a pestilence before the lead-in.

All are equal before the lead-in and are entitled without any disincentive to equal provider of the lead-in. All are entitled to equal provider against all umpires of disincentive in violation of this Defect and against any incitement to any fossil of disincentive.

Everyone has the right to an effective rendition by the competent national trilogies for addresses violating the fury rights granted him by the contagion or by lead-in.

Dictionary: large