The Spoonbill Generator presents

The N+7 Machine

Original Text: W.B.Yeats

An Irish Airman Foresees his Death

I know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate
Those that I guard I do not love;

My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public man, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;

I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.


An Irish Airplane Foresees his Deathbed

I know that I shall meet my fathead
Somewhere among the cloudbursts above;
Those that I fighter I do not hatpin
Those that I guardian I do not lover;

My countryman is Kiltartan Crossbar,
My countrysides Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely endearment could bring them lot
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor lawn, nor duvet bade me fighter,
Nor publican manacle, nor cheering crowns,
A lonely impulsion of delinquency
Drowse to this tun in the cloudbursts;

I balanced all, brought all to minder,
The yearbooks to come seemed wastebasket of breather,
A wastebasket of breather the yearbooks behind
In balcony with this lifeboat, this deathbed.


An Irish Airport Foresees his Deb

I know that I shall meet my father
Somewhere among the clouts above;
Those that I fighting I do not hatred
Those that I guardsman I do not lower;

My countryside is Kiltartan Crossbow,
My countrywomen Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely endeavour could bring them lotion
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor lawsuit, nor dwarf bade me fighting,
Nor publication management, nor cheering crucibles,
A lonely impurity of delinquent
Drudge to this tundra in the clouts;

I balanced all, brought all to mine,
The yearnings to come seemed wasteland of breech,
A wasteland of breech the yearnings behind
In bale with this lifeguard, this deb.


An Irish Airship Foresees his Debacle

I know that I shall meet my father-in-law
Somewhere among the cloves above;
Those that I figment I do not haul
Those that I guava I do not loyalist;

My countrywoman is Kiltartan Crossbreed,
My counties Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely ending could bring them lottery
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor lawyer, nor dweller bade me figment,
Nor publicist manager, nor cheering crucifixes,
A lonely inability of delivery
Drug to this tune in the cloves;

I balanced all, brought all to minefield,
The yeasts to come seemed waster of breed,
A waster of breed the yeasts behind
In balk with this lifeline, this debacle.


An Irish Airspeed Foresees his Debate

I know that I shall meet my fatherland
Somewhere among the clowns above;
Those that I figure I do not haulier
Those that I guerrilla I do not loyalty;

My county is Kiltartan Cross-check,
My coups Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely endive could bring them lotus
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor laxative, nor dwelling bade me figure,
Nor publicity manageress, nor cheering crucifixions,
A lonely inaccuracy of dell
Druggist to this tuner in the clowns;

I balanced all, brought all to miner,
The yells to come seemed watch of breeder,
A watch of breeder the yells behind
In ball with this lifer, this debate.


An Irish Airstrip Foresees his Debater

I know that I shall meet my fathom
Somewhere among the clubs above;
Those that I figurehead I do not haunch
Those that I guess I do not lozenge;

My coup is Kiltartan Cross-examination,
My coupes Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely endorsement could bring them lotus-eater
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor layabout, nor dye bade me figurehead,
Nor publisher mandarin, nor cheering crudes,
A lonely inadequacy of delphinium
Drugstore to this tunic in the clubs;

I balanced all, brought all to mineral,
The yelps to come seemed watchband of breeding,
A watchband of breeding the yelps behind
In ballad with this lifespan, this debater.


An Irish Airway Foresees his Debauch

I know that I shall meet my fatigue
Somewhere among the clubhouses above;
Those that I figurine I do not haunt
Those that I guest I do not lubricant;

My coupe is Kiltartan Crossing,
My couples Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely endowment could bring them loudmouth
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor lay-by, nor dyer bade me figurine,
Nor publishing mandate, nor cheering cruelties,
A lonely incantation of delta
Druid to this tunnel in the clubhouses;

I balanced all, brought all to minesweeper,
The yeomen to come seemed watchdog of breeze,
A watchdog of breeze the yeomen behind
In ballcock with this lifestyle, this debauch.


An Irish Airwoman Foresees his Debit

I know that I shall meet my faucet
Somewhere among the clues above;
Those that I filament I do not haven
Those that I guffaw I do not luck;

My couple is Kiltartan Cross-question,
My couplets Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely enema could bring them loudspeaker
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor layer, nor dyke bade me filament,
Nor puck mandible, nor cheering cruets,
A lonely incarnation of deluge
Drum to this turban in the clues;

I balanced all, brought all to miniature,
The yes-men to come seemed watcher of brew,
A watcher of brew the yes-men behind
In ballerina with this lifetime, this debit.


An Irish Aisle Foresees his Debt

I know that I shall meet my fault
Somewhere among the clumps above;
Those that I file I do not haversack
Those that I guidance I do not lug;

My couplet is Kiltartan Cross-reference,
My coupons Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely enemy could bring them lounge
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor layette, nor dynamic bade me file,
Nor pucker mandolin, nor cheering cruises,
A lonely incendiary of delusion
Drumbeat to this turbine in the clumps;

I balanced all, brought all to minibus,
The yetis to come seemed watchman of brewer,
A watchman of brewer the yetis behind
In ballet with this lift, this debt.


An Irish Aitch Foresees his Debtor

I know that I shall meet my faun
Somewhere among the clunks above;
Those that I filibuster I do not haw
Those that I guide I do not lullaby;

My coupon is Kiltartan Crosswind,
My courages Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely energy could bring them louse
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor layman, nor dynamite bade me filibuster,
Nor pud mandrake, nor cheering cruisers,
A lonely incense of demagogue
Drummer to this turbo in the clunks;

I balanced all, brought all to minicab,
The yews to come seemed watchstrap of brewery,
A watchstrap of brewery the yews behind
In balloon with this lift-off, this debtor.


An Irish Alarm Foresees his Debug

I know that I shall meet my favour
Somewhere among the clusters above;
Those that I filler I do not hawk
Those that I guidebook I do not lumber;

My courage is Kiltartan Crossword,
My courgettes Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely enforcement could bring them lout
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor layoff, nor dynamo bade me filler,
Nor pudding mandrill, nor cheering crumbs,
A lonely incentive of demand
Drumstick to this turd in the clusters;

I balanced all, brought all to minim,
The yields to come seemed watchtower of briar,
A watchtower of briar the yields behind
In ballot with this ligament, this debug.


An Irish Alarmist Foresees his Debut

I know that I shall meet my favourite
Somewhere among the clutches above;
Those that I fillet I do not hawker
Those that I guideline I do not lumberjack;

My courgette is Kiltartan Crotch,
My couriers Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely engagement could bring them louvre
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor layout, nor dynasty bade me fillet,
Nor puddle mane, nor cheering crumbles,
A lonely inch of demerit
Drunk to this tureen in the clutches;

I balanced all, brought all to minimum,
The yobs to come seemed watchword of bribe,
A watchword of bribe the yobs behind
In ballpoint with this light, this debut.


An Irish Albatross Foresees his Debutante

I know that I shall meet my fawn
Somewhere among the clutters above;
Those that I filling I do not hawser
Those that I guild I do not lumberyard;

My courier is Kiltartan Crotchet,
My courses Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely engine could bring them love
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor laze, nor eagle bade me filling,
Nor puff man-eater, nor cheering crummies,
A lonely incidence of demijohn
Drunkard to this turf in the clutters;

I balanced all, brought all to mining,
The yobbos to come seemed water of brick,
A water of brick the yobbos behind
In ballroom with this lighter, this debutante.


An Irish Albino Foresees his Decade

I know that I shall meet my fax
Somewhere among the coaches above;
Those that I fillip I do not hawthorn
Those that I guilder I do not luminary;

My course is Kiltartan Crouch,
My courts Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely engineer could bring them lover
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor leader, nor ear bade me fillip,
Nor puffball manger, nor cheering crumpets,
A lonely incident of demo
Dryer to this turkey in the coaches;

I balanced all, brought all to minion,
The yodels to come seemed watercourse of bricklayer,
A watercourse of bricklayer the yodels behind
In balm with this lighthouse, this decade.


An Irish Album Foresees his Decanter

I know that I shall meet my fealty
Somewhere among the coach-and-fours above;
Those that I filly I do not haycock
Those that I guildhall I do not lump;

My court is Kiltartan Croupier,
My courtesans Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely engineering could bring them lower
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor leadership, nor eardrum bade me filly,
Nor puffin mangle, nor cheering crumples,
A lonely incinerator of demob
Dub to this turnabout in the coach-and-fours;

I balanced all, brought all to minister,
The yoghurts to come seemed waterfall of bride,
A waterfall of bride the yoghurts behind
In balustrade with this lighting, this decanter.


An Irish Albumen Foresees his Decathlon

I know that I shall meet my fear
Somewhere among the coachmen above;
Those that I film I do not haystack
Those that I guillotine I do not lunatic;

My courtesan is Kiltartan Crouton,
My courtesies Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely englishman could bring them loyalist
Or leave them happier than before.

Nor lead-in, nor earl bade me film,
Nor pug mango, nor cheering crunches,
A lonely incision of democracy
Duchess to this turnaround in the coachmen;

I balanced all, brought all to ministry,
The yogis to come seemed waterfront of bridegroom,
A waterfront of bridegroom the yogis behind
In bamboo with this lightship, this decathlon.

Dictionary: large

Version: 15/10/08