The Spoonbill Generator

More Heretical Bombast

At Hampton Wick

My aunt fell sick

Mine Uncle ran amok

And shouted from the dock

At Hampton Court

My cousin thought

Mine Ephews went berserk

And burnt the fetid kirk

At Handsome Crust

Grandfather cussed

'Mein Kampf' was half akimbo

Mine aunt was but a bimbo.

At half-past nine

No child of mine

(Mine Ext-of-Kin excluded)

Shall e'er be called deluded

Attention all!

Come fill the hall!

An ever-ending speech-day

Begets no action replay.

Contributors: Roland, Nosnibor, Peter, TG, Bop, Mick.
Poem finished: 16th December 1996.