The Spoonbill Generator

Surplus Penguins

Burn my Waiting-List! [PeterWRC]

And fireball my Rolodex, [Kent]

Napalm my cummerbund [Roland]

And staple my nose to the wall [TG]

Nuke my '57 T-Bird, [Kent ]

Unpick my tapestry [Roland]

Shred all my ganglia [TG]

And break a tureen in my hall [Roland]

Strip the paint off England, [Stacy]

Bind and shroud the moon [Roland]

Sieve the seas for tortoiseshells [TG]

and break the silver spoon. [Stacy]

It is gone, my heartstone vision [TG]

Heard no more, mine inner cry: [Roland]

Now befalls my dread decision [TG]

Spare the crust, or spoil the pie? [Roland]

Exfoliate my bicycle [TG]

Boil my best champagne [Roland]

Mail my mom to India [Simon]

Play baseball with my brain [Roland]

Unbind my ninth editions [Anon.]

Grope my goat for Braille [Loaf]

break century old traditions [Kent]

surely I will fail [roo]

Contributors: PeterWRC, Kent, Roland, TG, Stacy, Simon, Anon., Loaf, roo.
Poem finished: 30th July 1997.