The Spoonbill Generator

Lockjaw Imminent

Dead as any dodo [Roland]

The startling Sons of Frodo [P]

Have undermined the plot [Bop]

Yellow as my yo-yo [Roland]

Dry as an arroyo [TG]

(or as an ocelot) [Roland]

Private as my pogo [P]

Crashed at Castle Drogo [Roland]

To have or to have not [P]

Cruising round Lake Como [TG]

Laundresses and Omo [Roland]

Matter not a jot [Bop]

We sail the Orinoco [P]

Turgider than cocoa [Roland]

Clinging like a clot [TG]

Thus, my crimson oboe [Roland]

Stolen from the hobo [P]

Glimmering red-hot [Roland]

Imitates a logo [TG]

Advertising Togo [Roland]

Laughing quite a lot [TG]

Contributors: Roland, P, Bop, TG, TG. .
Poem finished: 14th September 1997.