The Spoonbill Generator

World One Hundred

If a man shall lack a shoe [P]

Who shall tell him what to do? [TG]

Neither king nor kangaroo [Roland]

If a man shall lack a foot [P]

Who shall daub his face with soot? [TG]

Assuming that his head stays put [P]

If a man shall lack a toe [Roland]

Who shall dare to call him foe? [P]

Only one who stands below [TG]

If a man shall lack a leg [P]

Who shall teach him how to beg? [TG]

How to skin or suck an egg? [Roland]

If a man shall lack a tongue [TG]

How shall human praise be sung [Roland]

Barring use of aqualung? [TG]

Contributors: P, TG, Roland.
Poem finished: 3rd October 2000.