The Spoonbill Generator

Symphony Buttocks With Apricot Orchestra

Toast Christmas dog [P et al.]

Jam birthday frog [Sam]

Butter Whitsun antelope [Roland]

Bacon May Day lycanthrope [Fatty]

Grapefruit Guy Fawkes' hog [loaf]

Cornflakes Solstice hen [EvilTwin]

Sausage BoxingDay Men [Anon.]

Rollmop Easter baboon [Roland]

Hash-brown Michaelmas racoon [Apsley]

Heartburn forever again [loaf]

Beans Easter cat [Fatty]

Coffee Lady Day rat [Apsley]

Sugar St. Andrew's bandicoot [Grayman]

Cream Ascension malamute [Beefy]

Haggis Corpus Christi bat [Apsley]

Lobster Lent duckling [TG]

Salmon Shrove Tuesday suckling [Apsley]

Halibut hannukah hedgehog [Fatty]

Pike Pentecost sedge-dog [Apsley]

Prawn kwanzaa buckling [TG]

Contributors: P et al., Sam, Roland, Fatty, loaf, EvilTwin, Anon., Apsley, Grayman, Beefy, TG.
Poem finished: 1st January 2001.