The Spoonbill Generator

Shutters Fold Tightly Again

6 x 6 - from wall to wall [Gabriel]

The ball-room may be rather small [Fatty]

Better give the architect a call [Curt!]

That's all [P]

2x4 - the builder's friend [Beefy]

With you can make and mend [P]

Add a nail without a bend [Curt!]

Thus your work will not offend. [stephanie]

4X4, a sturdy beam [Curt!]

That takes my pilchard on a dream; [Apsley]

(They use a lot of beams in Cheam) [Fatty]

Things are not what they seem [P]

6X10, a dismal room; [Curt!]

The kind that needs a damn'd good broom [Apsley]

To counteract the sonic boom [TG]

And keep it silent as a tomb [Curt!]

Contributors: Gabriel, Fatty, Curt!, P, Beefy, stephanie, Apsley, TG.
Poem finished: 21st January 2001.