The Spoonbill Generator

Unhappy Stampede

Now, here's a story [Curt!]

with words like crushed snowflakes. [stephanie]

So, sit back and have a listen. [Curt!]

Open the inside of your mind: [Apsley]

Once upon a time; long, long ago and far away [ellie2]

So far away, indeed, we never hear what happens there [P]

I was sitting on the hotseat at the gates of hell, [Curt!]

With heels like baked alaska [Apsley]

And who before my eyes did appear; [Curt!]

I don't know; I'd never seen him before [TG]

It was Bill Clinton with a blue dress on. [Curt!]

You never know what's happening [TG]

Till you sink and burn [Apsley]

Hoping someone will put you out of your misery [Curt!]

Or at least give you food [Beefy]

With a big spoon to eat it up [Apsley]

Contributors: Curt!, stephanie, Apsley, ellie2, P, TG, Beefy.
Poem finished: 24th January 2001.