The Spoonbill Generator

Palace Challenge to the Party

It's a noble bird, is your gannet [Beefy]

Said the old fisherman to Janet [Fatty]

Who came from the neighbouring planet [Apsley]

We're Labour, so we want to ban it [Fatty]

Or dice it, deep-fry it and can it [Beefy]

It's just too upper class, mates, damn it! [Fatty]

Of politics, such remains our grasp [Apsley]

And if you don't like it, kiss my arse [Fatty]

The which I offer to the rasp [Apsley]

I say nay it is way to hairy [Bernard]

Lest I be considered a fairy [Beefy]

Conservative means 'made of fish', [Apsley]

According to Lilian Gish [TG]

Who ate her food from a golden dish! [Apsley]

Liberals, with open hand, [P]

Praise gannets, yet slyly have them canned [Fatty]

Into party contraband [Apsley]

The National Trust is oft confused [Fatty]

With bombs that mice have once defused [Apsley]

In Nottingham's most sordid loos [Fatty]

The slimy knotted pondfish ooze [Apsley]

These slug-like creatures all vote Tory [Fatty]

And that's the moral of this story [Anon.]

Contributors: Beefy, Fatty, Apsley, Bernard, TG, P, Anon..
Poem finished: 23rd May 2001.