The Spoonbill Generator

Sonnets Lately Despatched

When to the summons of a baker's wife [Apsley]

I once again took up my fife [Fatty]

The versifier said to me alone: [Apsley]

"The drummer's dead, so please go home" [Fatty]

I stood astounded at this sudden news [Apsley]

And sought to share my forthright views [P]

With any who would stay around to hear [Beefy]

Or join me in a modicum of beer [Apsley]

We lamented the drummer's misfortune [Curt!]

And erected a plaque in his name [Apsley]

Many came to stand and stare [Curt!]

And see if the corpse wore clean underwear [Hamish]

Contributors: Apsley, Fatty, P, Beefy, Curt!, Hamish.
Poem finished: 3rd June 2001.