The Spoonbill Generator

Vacant possession of Chichester Cathedral (Song Cycles)

You bled the life from out of his home! [Apsley]

You stole its heart, took its very soul, [Fatty]

You took its roof and left a hole [P]

Where stars look in and planets ceaseless roam: [Apsley]

You left a shell, a lifeless husk [Fatty]

Where, ruins vying for dominion, [Apsley]

The daylight gone, in endless dusk [Fatty]

Without a show of opinion [Apsley]

The broken essence of what was [Hamish]

An edifice without a name [Apsley]

Is lying empty now because [Fatty]

Of naked lust and sordid shame [Apsley]

The memory of what was once [Fatty]

Can't touch the present, cold and drear, [Apsley]

Yet in my mind it is ensconced [Fatty]

I think I'll go and have a beer [Beefy]

Contributors: Apsley, Fatty, P, Hamish, Beefy.
Poem finished: 27th June 2001.