The Spoonbill Generator

Orphans Drinking Deftly

A glass of claret twice per day [Apsley]

Though spilt across the floor [Surlaw]

Will help a flautist see his way [Apsley]

And maybe keep the score [Surlaw]

From beetles fitly free [Apsley]

Across the Sands of Dee [(trad)]

And for ever more [Apsley]

Though vanished in the spray [Surlaw]

Knock upon the door [Apsley]

That keeps the wolf at bay [Surlaw]

And locked out in the snow [Apsley]

Athwart the Dunes of Woe [Surlaw]

For to imbibe is pleasure meet [Apsley]

For abstinence's tongue [Surlaw]

When once inserted, in a sweet [Apsley]

Dung will still be dung. [Surlaw]

Contributors: Apsley, Surlaw, (trad).
Poem finished: 21st December 2001.