The Spoonbill Generator

Escstatic, Dogmatic

She declared herself democratic, [Apsley]

And voted to live in the attic [fester]

With a tea-spoon smeared with cheese [Apsley]

Which swore that it was Portugese [fester]

In tones more tender than emphatic [Beefy]

But, strangely, almost automatic [fester]

Until her uncle from Dumfries [Apsley]

Got married to a moose in Nice [fester]

Whereupon the cry ecstatic [Apsley]

And manoeuvres acrobratic [fester]

Brought about a mighty Freeze [Apsley]

Of minus 200 degrees [fester]

The which was rather unclimatic [Apsley]

And a little too dramatic [fester]

For such a pretty little piece [Beefy]

Penned by my so foolish niece [Apsley]

About the joys of sub-aquatic [fester]

Diving in a sea dramatic [Apsley]

Searching for the magic bees [fester]

So much beloved by Ph.Ds [Beefy]

Contributors: Apsley, fester, Beefy.
Poem finished: 29th September 2002.