The Spoonbill Generator

Heroic and Auspicious

In Hastings, once, there should an elm, [Apsley]

In a small would by the sea [fester]

And, from a branch, was made a helm [Apsley]

That nobody good see [fester]

O vision rare! Be where, be where! [dkb]

Lest knightfall ley you low [Beefy]

And karst a spell of saddest pair [loaf]

Be four you even no [fester]

A spell chequer can knot be rung [Beefy]

"Wye knot?" eye here ewe ask [fester]

Four cause the tyme four that is young [Stacy Alexander]

And yet two come two parse [fester]

With auspicious and a dropping eye, [Stacy Alexander]

a last! is that a shit i spy? [dsfffffff]

No, just a lack of language command [Stacy Alexander]

What I thoughtless demand [Apsley]

Contributors: Apsley, fester, dkb, Beefy, loaf, Stacy Alexander, dsfffffff.
Poem finished: 29th November 2002.