The Spoonbill Generator

My Habitat of Unkempt Mincemeat

Coconuts are hard to peel [Kansas Sam]

Evening rains fall hard and fast [Anon.]

Kittens when you kick them squeal [K.B. Benedict]

You grow hungry when you fast [VM]

Morning mist is slow to clear [Anon.]

Redwoods rest from dusk to dawn [Kansas Sam]

Wood-sprites whisper in one's ear [Anon.]

"It's your turn, now--I took Queen's pawn" [Kansas Sam]

Seaweed waves slime-coated blades [Edgar]

Eels swim forward, fish swim back [Tiger Spot]

and tell you they despise all airy glades [hagglefish]

and pine for all the things they say they lack [Anon.]

"Decidedly deciduous!" he opined, incredulous, [emceemk]

So wrong my jaw hung pendulous. [Anon.]

Contributors: Kansas Sam, Anon., K.B. Benedict, VM, Edgar, Tiger Spot, hagglefish, emceemk.
Poem finished: 21st June 2003.