The Spoonbill Generator

Nile Feather Death Trip

Her upper arms; mine eyes alighting [Roland]

Limned their shape from stem to stern [Elusis]

blessed curves, lush, inviting [a Nonnie Mouse]

members: "Well, shall we adjourn?" [hagglebait]

"To my stateroom or to yours?" I smile [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

She pauses, as if to demur [Elusis]

her back to the railing. Behind her, the Nile [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

winks and churns like a sly raconteur. [Anon.]

The ink of the river flowed over the page [Whit]

Its papyrus margins in flood, [Anon.]

And soon, we were in such a rage [Paddy Raghunathan]

that we floundered off into the mud. [Anon.]

"Your heart and this feather," said Thoth with his scales [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

As my brain through my nostrils was tugged, [hagfish]

And Cleopatra trimmed the silver sails [loaf]

The embalmer's wire unplugged. [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

Her upper arms; mine ostrils dripping [loaf]

hymnal japes from his'n to her'n, [hagfish]

Resulting in her meter tripping [Paddy Raghunathan]

"Ossifer, don't test my yearn!" [Anon.]

Then Cleopatra's mummy rose [Paddy Raghunathan]

All burnished and buffed on the barge [loaf]

And mustered an erotic pose [Paddy Raghunathan]

More attractive than Madame La Farge [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

Contributors: Roland, Elusis, a Nonnie Mouse, hagglebait, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Anon., Whit, Paddy Raghunathan, hagfish, loaf.
Poem finished: 22nd June 2003.