The Spoonbill Generator

Always One Vane

Foul, foul, foul, this weather's spent [Hagfish]

the sum of my good graces [anon]

by casting down with miserly intent [Hagfish]

Foul traces of arms races [Kansas Sam]

What loathesome water from unwholesome soil may leach [Anon.]

A dreck so foul and black [Kansas Sam]

The mutant whales that slithered up the beach [Hagfish]

and cried, "Alas! Alack!" [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

But wailing whales and their travails [Kansas Sam]

Won't pay the past-due rent, [Hagfish]

my landlord says. But why dwell on such details? [anon]

My slack tuxedo's spent. [Roland]

Contributors: Hagfish, anon, Kansas Sam, Anon., Kevin Andrew Murphy, Roland.
Poem finished: 22nd June 2003.