The Spoonbill Generator

Lay for a Lonely Farmer

She was lovely as the night [Elaine G]

Though craven her soul [keith c]

He mistook her for Snow White [Edgar]

But she took her toll. [d]

Confused at first by her repose [Kansas Sam]

The ottoman dire [loaf]

Baffled by perverse argots [Edgar]

Lit itself on fire [Kansas Sam]

Before the moon could rise [Edgar]

She rose, her heart aflame [Kansas Sam]

He mistook her burning thighs [hagfish]

To mean she was fair game [Edgar]

Prince he was, but Charming not [Kansas Sam]

His mouth full of swill, [hagfish]

His temper white hot, [Kansas Sam]

And with lead in his quill. [Hagfish]

She swiped at his codpiece [Dassn't Say]

The cad! He ripped her bodice [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

Aflame became his rod-piece [Kansas Sam]

So shockingly immodest! [Edgar]

Piranhas in the palace pond [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

Blushed to see this rash display [Anon.]

But, lips so red and hair so blonde [Evan, NH]

Were not her thing--to his dismay [Kansas Sam]

Her melon breasts and popeyed eyes [Francine]

Were, on the whole, exotic [Evan, NH]

Her cellulite and thunder-thighs [Kansas Sam]

Both made the prince neurotic [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

He grabbed a sheepskin condom [Dassn't Say]

And slipped it on his scepter [Francine]

But, just as in his John-dom, [Kansas Sam]

He couldn't get her wetter [Francine]

She truly was quite unimpressed [Nym]

He had said he was a general [Evan]

But once he was undressed [Nym]

His disease, it was veneral [Evan]

Contributors: Elaine G, keith c, Edgar, d, Kansas Sam, loaf, hagfish, Hagfish, Dassn't Say, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Anon., Evan, NH, Francine, Nym.
Poem finished: 17th July 2003.