The Spoonbill Generator

Euthansia without Gregariousness

How often have I pruned a tree [Francine]

Then bent you over my knee [archaeopteryx]

And caned you with the branch I cut [Kansas Sam]

And said, "you naughty little slut." [Francine]

How often have a tuned a lute [P]

Then played a sad, sweet song, of fruit [Kansas Sam]

And wiped away a solemn tear [archaeopteryx]

And yearned for onion-flavored beer [Kansas Sam]

But then my thoughts return to you [Francine]

And those wild things we do [Karin]

My heart's a-flutter and loins a-sputter [archaeopteryx]

As I picture you drenched in butter [Karin]

Contributors: Francine, archaeopteryx, Kansas Sam, P, Karin.
Poem finished: 17th July 2003.