The Spoonbill Generator

The Ageless Golden Fleece

My buddy, Moe, is getting old [Francine]

And now that his new wife has sold [P]

His cherished collection of brassieres [Francine]

His rear's no longer in arrears [Kansas Sam]

Turns out they were all made of gold [archaeopteryx]

Midas wore them, now we're told [Kansas Sam]

In light of nipple-gilding fears, [Hagfish]

And dreading female Viking cheers, [Kansas Sam]

It's strange he should have worn them [Nym]

Not so strange he's sore then. [Karin]

And so now Moe is moving on [d]

First meeting up with old friend John [Nym]

Then he'll say farewell to those [Karin]

Who mocked him for his underclothes [Nym]

A final goodbye to all his friends [Anon.]

He gave away his odds and ends [Nym]

And then a cheery wave gave he [Karin]

And chortled in his glee [Nym]

Contributors: Francine, P, Kansas Sam, archaeopteryx, Hagfish, Nym, Karin, d, Anon..
Poem finished: 18th July 2003.