The Spoonbill Generator


Brothels on the hill, tra la [Francine]

la [archaeopteryx]

Madams in the hall, fa la [Francien]

la [archaeopteryx]

Harlots in the mill, tra la [Francine]

la [archaeopteryx]

Can't you here them call? tra la [Randy]

la [archaeopteryx]

Tartlets in the mall, fa la [Francine]

la [archaeopteryx]

Titties are too small, fa la [Randy]

la [archaeopteryx]

And so it goes, ta ta [Anon.]

laaaaaaaaa [archaeopteryx]

duuuuuuuuh [Anon.]

Contributors: Francine, archaeopteryx, Francien, Randy, Anon..
Poem finished: 18th July 2003.