The Spoonbill Generator

The Bitter End (Alas I Died Homeless)

Alas! Oy vey! My tires are flat [Francine]

And I suspect the reason; [tonedeaf]

It happened when I ate a sprat [Francine]

(it was badly out of season) [Nym]

Should I have had the fresher shad? [tonedeaf]

Perhaps the seasoned trout? [Francine]

Should I have joined the sushi fad? [asdf]

(But what's it all about?) [Nym]

My faucet drips. Alas! Oy vey! [asdf]

And I perceive a culprit; [F]

It started on my wedding day
(The priest had lost his pulpit) [Nym]

Yada, yada, yada, yay! [unkempt]

So it goes, I must not flinch [F]

Rum tee tum and diddle dee day! [unkempt]

Who hasn't been in such a pinch? [F]

Contributors: Francine, tonedeaf, Nym, asdf, F, unkempt.
Poem finished: 26th July 2003.