Fishing for the Deal Makers
This time, Sam, we'll make a deal
You can't afford it, Nym
I'll lay my cards out on the table
So then I get snoookered?
You be'll running scared, soon enough
Sez u
Don't make this harder for me
Look, is it really that bad?
The stakes are higher than you realise
Oh, that. Yeah, it's all over the street
Any trouble, and you are dispensable
I'll make you an offer you can't refuse
Listen, you don't choose what I refuse
Let me be more specific: they're looking for you
Any more specific and you'll have steel in your skull
C'mon... Look, let's just find a way to work this thing out
You have no idea, do you?
Whaddya mean?...
This meeting is over. Finish him off, boys.
Contributors: | N, Kansas Sam, Francine, No fair, I want one. |
Poem finished: | 1st August 2003. |