Anyone Who Whinges Can Go Elsewhere
There was a hack writer from Erie
Who suspected some spoonbilling dearie
Was up for a tease
And would like to displease
But never could prove her own theory
There once was a whinger from Oz
But nobody knew who he was
A spooner, no doubt
Somewhat of a lout
Whose deviltry gave us all pause
There once was a aunt from New York
Whose breakfasts consisted of pork
She cared not a fig
That it once was a pig
And ate with a knife and a fork
There once was a Kansan named Sam
Bad poets he'd frequently damn
But we cut him some slack
And relished his flack
For at heart he was sweet as a lamb
A badass bamboozler Benny
Lied for just a penny
And for one thin dime
He'd change the time
Of scruples he didn't have any
That funny guy Roland
Has a mud hut he built in the lowland
There he smokes fish
Stuffs them in a knish
And delivers blintz on demand
Now to the Spoonmaster, all hail!
On his poet-ship we set sail
There's none can beat Peter
Except Derek Jeter
Now let's see part two of the grail
Contributors: | Francine, Someone, Meeee??, As if, Karin ;o), N, Grayman, Karin, Randy, baoloa, Anon., Beefy, Kansas Sam, Dassn't Say, archaeopteryx. |
Poem finished: | 6th August 2003. |