The Spoonbill Generator

Apocalyptic Rumor

I heard this rumor in class today..correct me if I'm wrong: [K8]

They say that tight-assed Dean McDuffy's panty is a thong. [Dassn't Say]

I beg to differ for I know he has no buns to hold it [F]

He'd have to fold "it" carefully [K8]

Let's goose him when he's barefully [Dassn't Say]


I heard this rumor in church today..correct me if I'm wrong: [K8]

They say that the end really, really is coming before long [asdf]

I wonder is today the beginning of that fearsome end? UC the power has gone out [K8]

k8 we have two x's on orange now! [Anon.]

The end is not near enough for thou [smrtypnts]

Contributors: K8, Dassn't Say, F, Anon., asdf, smrtypnts.
Poem finished: 15th August 2003.