The Spoonbill Generator

Memories Sleep With You

This is the strangest place [N]

Where shadows are more you than me [baoloa]

I am reflecting you, you reflecting me [F]

Our memories are lost without trace [N]

Where shadows are more you than me [F]

The darkness is turned to light [baoloa]

Our memories are lost without trace [N]

I see you still and forever [F]

The darkness is turned to light
Order is blossoming from chaos [N]

I see you still and forever [baoloa]

Breathing, sleeping, dreaming

Order is blossoming from chaos [N]

Your limbs stir gently [baoloa]

Breathing, sleeping, dreaming
I have come at last to see [N]

Your limbs stir gently
I am reflecting you, you reflecting me [baoloa]

I have come at last to see
This is the strangest place [N]

Contributors: N, baoloa, F.
Poem finished: 18th August 2003.