The Spoonbill Generator

Sobering Laptop

T'was but a night on the dell [baoloa]

Mouse in hand, eyes on the screen [Anon.]

With laptop I, near wishing well [Dassn't Say]

Could never had such fun forseen [ingrerrio]

Then "IT" flashed across my screen: [Anon.]

"Hibernation Mode Commencing" [baoloa]

I punched right at the crap machine [snortules]

A reaction it had not foreseen [F]

I slapped the cover down and swore [Dassn't Say]

I cannot spoonbill anymore [F]

Now life is such an awful bore [N]

I'll re-connect to mon amour [F]

Contributors: baoloa, Anon., Dassn't Say, ingrerrio, K8, Bao, snortules, F, N.
Poem finished: 25th August 2003.