The Spoonbill Generator

Fandango Lashing

I've told you once, I've told you twice, [N]

One more time, your nose I'll slice [F]

I've told you thrice, now your nose is gone [Karin]

You really do show smug elan [F]

I've had enough of all your ways [N]

Upon your grasslike hair I'll graze [F]

I've had enough of attitude [Beefy ]

Your petty days are numbered, dude [Dassn't Say]

I've seen too much of your own kind [smrtypnts]

I have a clockwork mouse to wind, [Lee]

I've seen too much for just one man [Beefy ]

I think I'll have to chew my fan [F]

I've never heard such insolence [Beefy ]

I think I'll take your fingerprints [F]

I've had my fill of all your sass [Karin]

I need a shot of laughing-gas [Beefy ]

Contributors: N, F, Karin, Beefy, Dassn't Say, smrtypnts, Lee.
Poem finished: 2nd September 2003.