The Spoonbill Generator

The Holiest Glue

Religions I am Considering Joining [Anon.]

The First United Church of Spoonbill [Karin]

The Last Disunited Church of the Googlewhack [F]

Holy Order of Headcheese [archaeopteryx]

The Peglegians [F]

The Uniwhackarian Church [N]

Temple of the Holy Moley [F]

Reorganized Church of the Disenfranchised [Kansas Sam]

The Holiest of Rollers [F]

Antagonists [smrtypnts]

The Elvis Worshippers [F]

The Temple of Doom [Nym]

The Harmonically Converged [F]

Cap'n Crunchies [Kansas Sam]

The Spoony Moonies (no, wait--that's a doowop group) [F]

The Most Holy Temple of the Lunatic Fringe (Reformed) [Karin]

The Church of the Cheap [Kansas Sam]

The Great "I Am" Which You're Not [F]

Epiphanies 'R Us [Karin]

Preacher Pete's Drive-Thru Autochapel [F]

Contributors: F, Karin, archaeopteryx, N, Kansas Sam, smrtypnts, Nym.
Poem finished: 5th September 2003.