The Spoonbill Generator

Butter Belly Fanclub


Neglecting the home repairs I couldn't do last winter [Kansas Sam]

Practicing the tuba, to the consternation of my neighbors [Anon.]

Discovering firsthand the agony and the ecstasy of Spoonbilling [Karin]

Undergoing the ongoing torture of Googlewhacking [F]

Mocked by the jewellike brevity of DJT or swamped [snood]

Finally getting started on amassing the world's largest lint collection [Karin]

Participating in thousands of mobs, in groups of one [dok]

Climbing every mountain, fording every stream, yada, yada, yada [Kansas Sam]

Realizing there is no gravity, the Earth just sucks [smrtypnts]

Believing it's not butter [Kansas Sam]

Summer's over??? Damn, I better get off the couch! [archaeopteryx]

Anticipating the sound of 'little lungs' lulled by GW'ing @ 2:00am feeding! [Archae (err K8)]

Rummaging [F]

Drawing my vacation pix instead of using a camera since I didn't travel [Karen]

Planning next summer's vacation [Beefy]

Riding every roller-coaster I could find [Kansas Sam]

Sight-seeing in Kansas [archaeopteryx (nice 1 K8)]

Trying to whack "sextuplicately" [Anon.]


Contributors: Karin, Kansas Sam, F, snood, dok, smrtypnts, archaeopteryx, Archae (err K8), Karen, Beefy, archaeopteryx (nice 1 K8), Anon..
Poem finished: 9th September 2003.