The Spoonbill Generator

My Misadventures Began in Cleveland

Inaccurate, like any map [Roland]

The darn thing wouldn't fold [Kansas Sam]

Origami in my lap [Anon.]

Until it grew so bold [Kansas Sam]

And was assailed by mould [Roland]

So began my great adventure [Karin]

To Alaska and beyond [Ethetran]

Every limit of dementia [Roland]

I've broken every bond [Anon.]

Of saneness I'm not fond [Karin]

I loaded up the minivan [F]

With chocolate and with cheese [Ethetran]

I even packed my favorite pan [F]

But couldn't find the keys [Ethetran]

I then began to wheeze [F]

At last, with tent and camping stove, [Ethetran]

Strapped onto my back [F]

Across that treacherous land I hove [N]

You see, I had a knack [F]

For following the track [N]

Contributors: Roland, Kansas Sam, F, Karin, Ethetran, N.
Poem finished: 22nd September 2003.