The Spoonbill Generator

A Civilised Child, Lost for Moments

Into the unblinking eyes of children [e]

Half-truths are flashed [F]

Into their accepting ears [e]

Poisonous lies are fed [N]


out of Innocence they descover untruths [jamie gratton]

And cease to trust [Ethetran]

Even those who ever [snood]

Over them fussed [Dassn't Say]

In their minds, no right or wrong [Beefy ]

Except for "mine!" [Kansas Sam]

Into their outreaching hands [Beefy ]

Pour belongings, unchecked [e]


They are given everything! They are given nothing [Dassn't Say]

And now they are gone [Anon.]

Contributors: e, F, N, Anon., jamie gratton, Ethetran, snood, Dassn't Say, Beefy, Kansas Sam.
Poem finished: 24th September 2003.