The Spoonbill Generator

Have You Enough Putty?

Wetching in the tersome rain [N]

I mirched by glonal springs [F]

The forling rupples staw my heart [N]

The hurging muggle stings [F]

Fritsomely, I mander by [N]

Glarding at the lambring pines [Karin]

Hoopingly, my grimbles go [Grayman]

I have abayed my prize [F]

And now the sturgid tauling ebbs [N]

I may felong my grafe [F]

Unless I graunch upon a scroob [Beefy ]

And merely hoom my lafe [F]

But scroobs alone can't mirch this ache [Kansas Sam]

A frezzle mought I seek [Beefy ]

To nabblerize my kurchin loops [Grayman]

And scrafulate my gleek [Beefy ]

Contributors: N, F, Karin, Grayman, Beefy, Kansas Sam.
Poem finished: 10th October 2003 by Karin.