The Spoonbill Generator

Is Confused By

Never did I dream that she would call a spade a spade [Kansas Sam]

And so, because of that, I got a failing grade [Francine]

Never did I know that I would lead a cavalry [Lobster]

And so, because of that, I lost my army in the sea [Irene Adler]

Sadly, then, my loyal men charged straight into the drink [Kansas Sam]

And what became of them? I am afraid to even think [N]

Their lockstep staggering is more than I can bear [F]

I think I'll go into my tent for cheese and Camembert [Irene Adler]

Contributors: Kansas Sam, Francine, Lobster, Irene Adler, N, F.
Poem finished: 8th November 2003 by Anon..