The Spoonbill Generator

Etruscan! Tuscan! Bohemian! Persian! Theban?

Is it a source of insolent pride [Shipp]

To leave dirty dishes at the low tide? [Apsley]

To harbour a mouse in stockings of jute [Surlaw]

Is arguably not the preserve of the flute [Apsley]

On which our integuments ride [Surlaw]

They ride through the dark to Bethnal Green [Apsley]

And all the places in between [Surlaw]

Does it dismay the humble poorest [Apsley]

To sling fresh mud at the unwitting tourist? [Surlaw]

Or ride through the streets in a carriage of bronze [Apsley]

Which (some would allege) is the province of dons [Surlaw]

On which all our arguments ride [Apsley]

They ride through the dark to Fingal's Cave [Surlaw]

And other places in between [Apsley]

Contributors: Shipp, Apsley, Surlaw.
Poem finished: 9th November 2003 by Anon..