The Spoonbill Generator

Jilted By Cheapskates

"I've saved you so much money, dear" [N]

he cooed, about her wedding ring [Kansas Sam]

'Twas then that she began to fear [F]

He'd be this way with everything [N]

"I fear," said she, "this gem is glass" [F]

"The band is made of plastic, too" [N]

"I think I'll have to whup your ass" [F]

"And beat you with your shoe" [Karin]

"My Dear", said he, "'tis fine and fair" [Kansas Sam]

"The best I could afford, you know" [N]

"In fact, I'll hire an au pair" [F]

She told him just where he could go [Beefy ]

"Do go," she said, "To Glister's Jewels," [Irene Adler]

"And ask for Mr Valentine" [Beefy ]

"Quick, before your ardor cools" [Irene Adler]

"A solitaire would be divine!" [Beefy ]

"I'm off!" he said, "At once! - post haste!" [Kansas Sam]

But he absconded to Peru. [Dassn't Say]

You see, he was a pantywaist [F]

(And something of a cheapskate, too) [Kansas Sam]

Contributors: N, Kansas Sam, F, Karin, Beefy, Irene Adler, Dassn't Say.
Poem finished: 13th November 2003 by Karin.