The Spoonbill Generator

Inhaling Woolf's Ouevre

Don't revile me, don't come near! [Apsley]

I am so very shy! [F]

As you rebuke me, I much fear [Beefy ]

That one of us shall die [Roland]

Will I murder? Or will you? [fester]

I really need to know! [Beefy ]

My Life Assurance people, too, [loaf]

Would hear who's first to go [fester]

Do not praise me, do not fawn [Beefy ]

Do not fall to earth in awe [Irene Adler]

As you extol me, I am torn [Beefy ]

Should I holster arms or draw? [Irene Adler]

Will I stifle you with this? [Apsley]

My favorite neckerchief [F]

Will you give us one last kiss? [Kansas Sam]

Me and my favourite thief [Apsley]

Contributors: Apsley, F, Beefy, Roland, fester, loaf, Irene Adler, Kansas Sam.
Poem finished: 13th November 2003 by Anon..