The Spoonbill Generator

Extraterrestial Wingnuts

Hooper wouldn't say his name [Roland]

But quick he was to tell [Kansas Sam]

Tales of wives and wealth and fame [Olson Blip]

And it was just as well [Beefy ]

Since, had his name been heard aloud [Roland]

His homies all would laugh [Kansas Sam]

At just whatever makes a crowd [Apsley]

Cheer louder in the second half [N]

Cooper wouldn't give his age [F]

That bugger straight from Hell [Apsley]

That pederast, that coprophage [Roland]

That slimy, un-set gel [F]

Since, had age been once declared [Roland]

His girlfriends all would sneer [F]

But he was far too scared [N]

To state his month or year [F]

Looper wouldn't name his dad [Gussie]

And why, he would not say [F]

There was a theory that we had [N]

Yelled 'bastard' everyday [F]

Since, had his pedigree been known [Roland]

His colleagues all would frown [N]

Divert his mail, or tap his 'phone [Roland]

Or dress him like a clown [F]

Contributors: Roland, Kansas Sam, Olson Blip, Beefy, Apsley, N, F, Gussie.
Poem finished: 8th December 2003 by Anon..