The Spoonbill Generator

Carbuncle City From My Window

Erotic gherkin, looming in the dusk [TG]

How much I long to strip away your rind [Roland]

And leave naught but a fleeting scent of musk [TG]

That lingers in the canyons of the mind [Roland]

The City skyline's shrouded now in mist [Beefy ]

Your outline blurred despite your glowing tip [Roland]

I wonder, how could anyone resist [TG]

This target for bazooka marksmanship [Roland]

Thou hideous hall, with insides turned to out [TG]

With walls turned windows, edge-rules turned to curves [Roland]

Designer's sanity must surely be in doubt [TG]

And yet the reputation he deserves [Roland]

As wobbly as the bridges he creates [TG]

On which no sane man would entrust his life [Roland]

Eludes him, leaving us to curse the Fates [TG]

And all who seed our skylines with such strife [Roland]

Contributors: TG, Roland, Beefy.
Poem finished: 9th December 2003 by TG.