The Spoonbill Generator

The Mundane Factory Blues

Number ninety-seven was a worker at the plant [N]

All she did all day was tighten screws [Big Andy]

She was married to a foreman, because her maiden aunt [Apsley]

made him a deal in the name of detant [franz]

Number forty-five was a cog in the machine [F]

All he had was half a dozen teeth [Ethetran]

He was married to a fireman, because his boots were clean [Beefy ]

(His beard was the slickest you've ever seen) [F]

Number one was a spanner in the works [Padfoot]

Always interfering with the line [Beefy ]

She was married to the CEO. Amongst her many perks [Ethetran]

Was to spent the night with workers she found fine [Big Andy]

Tit for Tat is a fat burning fool [Nigel Sly]

Always splashing hot grease when he fries [F]

He's married to his job, which he thinks is cool [Beefy ]

Just another day in the Factory of Lies [rainbowz]

Toiling at the coalface till the wee small hours [Beefy ]

How many faceless numbers there are [F]

They clean off the dust in the company's dank showers [Big Andy]

And drown their sorrows in the canteen bar [Beefy ]

Contributors: N, Big Andy, Apsley, franz, F, Ethetran, Beefy, Padfoot, Nigel Sly, rainbowz.
Poem finished: 19th December 2003 by Anon..