The Spoonbill Generator

Madwoman, Me?

She's come undone--her valium useless as mythical gods [F]

She's come undone -- her inner shields a-crumble [Beefy ]

Fumble. Do her up. She's come undone. [chaise]

He fell apart -- his self-belief shattered by laughter and scorn [Beefy ]

He fell apart -- his cri de cœur unheeded [loaf]

He needed reassembly. He fell apart [Beefy ]

We smell a rat -- its carapace festering under the stairs [loaf]

We smell a rat -- its tiny farts do linger [Kansas Sam]

They linger yet. Let's move. We smell a rat! [F]

They have a dream -- their conjugal visits to be more often [jm]

They have a dream -- their lustings to be satisfied [Big Andy]

Or ratified at least. They have a dream. [dkb]

And one for all -- his musketeer bravado cuts a swathe [chaise]

And one for all -- sword in hand he buckles his swash [Big Andy]

Yet see his open fly. And one for all! [Kansas Sam]

Contributors: F, Beefy, chaise, loaf, Kansas Sam, jm, Big Andy, dkb.
Poem finished: 17th January 2004 by Anon..