The Spoonbill Generator

Poorly Bohemians After Supper

An escapee from sanity: that's me       [N ]

And one who once intended to remain       [Roland ]

Surburban bliss, a goodnight kiss, but this       [N ]

Perplexes       [Roland ]

Vexes       [N ]

In several ways that paralyse the brain       [Roland ]

A seeker of enlightenment: that's me       [Beefy ]

Albeit one whose eyes, forever closed       [Roland ]

In seeming sleep, hide thoughts most deep, and keep       [Beefy ]

Reversing       [Roland ]

Rehearsing       [Beefy ]

Until the lie of reason is exposed       [N ]

Envoi       [(trad) ]

Kafka had it right. Or was he wrong?       [F ]

Can we flee from whence we all belong?       [N ]

Or listen raptly to a madman's song?       [F ]

Contributors: N, Roland, Beefy, (trad), F.
Poem finished: 27th August 2004 by N.