The Spoonbill Generator

The Morsel Of Reason

Rare confection - of delight!       [Apsley ]

Wantonness, mine appetite       [Roland ]

The imbeciles fly a kite       [F ]

What they know is all unknown       [Roland ]

They're undergrown and overgrown       [F ]

Let's hurl them in the Rhone       [Roland ]

Rebuses and limp rosettes       [F ]

Flung at sickly suffragettes       [Roland ]

Gentlemen - place your bets       [Beefy ]

Sign the book and kiss the flag       [Roland ]

Light a fag and take a drag       [Beefy ]

Destiny – it's in the bag       [Roland ]

Contributors: Apsley, Roland, F, Beefy.
Poem finished: 18th September 2004 by Apsley.