The Spoonbill Generator

Cardigan Wildlife Artists

When chatty foils reappear       [Kansas Sam ]

It's time to use Saran Wrap       [F ]

And if that won't work Up Over here       [Kansas Sam ]

Then Down Under there's a gap       [F ]

when life scream so you can hear       [brook ]

thunder but never the clap.       [Will H ]

'Tis then to take a long, long nap       [F ]

when day clean so much you can smell       [Will H ]

it's time to use paper wax       [F ]

and if your rising cake just fell       [asdf ]

it means you've been too far lax       [F ]

So raise your case, as if to YELL       [Kansas Sam ]

"I just sat on some tacks!"       [F ]

They easily penetrated my slacks       [Grayman ]

When angry squealers gather round       [Beefy ]

It's time to snip their tails       [Kansas Sam ]

And steel yourself against the sound       [Karin ]

Of wag-less whiners' wails       [asdf ]

Just bark, "Shut up!" and stand your ground       [F ]

Until the tumult pales       [Beefy ]

It is a strategy that very seldom fails       [F ]

Contributors: Kansas Sam, F, brook, Will H, asdf, Grayman, Beefy, Karin.
Poem finished: 12th October 2004 by Kansas Sam.