The Spoonbill Generator

Up In Canada Antlered Creatures Are Everywhere

Perhaps, your new line will go here.       [will_h ]

No, mine has to go in the space below       [F ]

You'll never quite catch it, I fear       [Beefy ]

Of course not! Your're hogging the show.       [will_h ]

Why can't it run down on the right?       [Beefy ]

Could mine be tucked in a corner, ya think?       [F ]

Let's start, or we'll be here all night       [Beefy ]

But I have - in invisible ink       [Kansas Sam ]

My line will have elegance, balance and poise       [Beefy ]

Mine'll be crude and not meter too good       [F ]

His will be something approaching white noise       [Beefy ]

While hers gets deleted (or should)       [F ]

Yours is the standard to which we aspire       [Beefy ]

Some might even call it a 'textbook example'       [Will H ]

It sings like a heavenly choir       [F ]

-- Remind me to ask for a sample       [Beefy ]

Contributors: will_h, F, Beefy, Kansas Sam, Will H.
Poem finished: 9th January 2005 by F.